Chapter 19

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Still with our unfinished talk where Alessia kept blaming - and at the same time - encouraging me about Riley. Blaming me for my stupidity, encouraging me to call Riley and tell him what I felt.

But wouldn't it sound ridiculous?

Alessia was giving her body a good rest after driving almost four hours. We just had one of craziest traffic jam. Finally made it to the dorm. I walked into our room again. I remember last time I slept in this room, Alessia and I had our girl talk about what my life would be, and whether or not touring was a wrong choice. First thing I noticed was my masterpiece wall, with Riley's face everywhere. Alessia gave a simple tap on my shoulder, telling me I was indeed making a wrong choice.

"I just can't, Less... Tour's over. I mean, even if we tried, we'd be just as good as dying by now." I explained without asked.

"You're both already dying, anyway."

"Then I don't know what's worse."

I sighed, gave her my most honest expression that I've been hiding from people. My eyes were red from crying too much. I sniffed a lot.

I decided to have a shower instead, for a good thirty minutes. Let's breathe, Arina. The daydream was over. Time up. Now you're just that normal girl. Be okay with it.

"ARINA! Arina you have to come out! HURRY UP!"

Alessia's voice literally made me drop my comb off. I bet the entire dorm heard that. I quickly wrapped my wet hair with a towel and unlocked the door.

"What's that shout about?" I slammed the bathroom door, kind of mad, because she's okay. "Thought you're dying."

"Let's go to the book shop." She grinned.

"Ha, you're joking." I turned around, blow-dried my hair.

"No, please, I forgot this one book I really want to read for this break. We only have like two weeks left. I want to make the best out of it."

"Who are you? You're not Alessia. Alessia doesn't read books."

The second I finished my words, there's a small paper ball landed on my back. "Girl, I do read too."

"Hahaha... Are you like poisoned? Seriously. What book? I might have it tho, since I'm always the one who reads here."

"I've checked, and you don't have it."

"The title is?" I furrowed my brows.

"I don't remember, but I know when I see it."

Sigh. This is Alessia when she wants something. She wouldn't stop until she gets it. I checked the clock, it was almost dinner time. We had nothing left on the fridge to cook. And I was starving.

"Dinner, your treat." I smirked.


She jumped off the bed and dressed up. It was so wrong. Maybe Alessia tried to keep me busy from crying over Riley, or she really wanted to buy that one specific book - I couldn't tell exactly. But spending time with her again made my life a lot better. I've stopped crying, which was good.

We both drove back to the main street. This book store that I usually went to was down the road. Alessia knew the place as well. We used to go there together. But there's also this cool diner we'd like to try. Let's eat.

"...Yeah? Oh that's awesome!" Alessia spoke on the phone. "I'm actually... Wait, that's even better! Thank you so much!"

"Who?" I asked with mouth full of fries.

"Post-man. A package from mom."

"So? He drops it at the dorm?"

"No, I asked to just give it to the book store's information table. We're going there anyway." She continued eating her salad.

We finished our dinner by around seven. Still plenty of time to go to the book store, grab that one book she talked about, and drive back home before the school's main gate closed.

"Do you believe that, that I'm reading books?" She smirked to the rearview mirror.

"Same exact question that I have here, specifically." I pointed to my head. "What? Internet seems boring to you now?"

"I'm just- Hey we're here."

She and I were both trying to get a parking spot instead. There were so many cars. Finally we got one spot left, the nearest to store's elevator.

"Let's go!" Alessia held my arm.

Ah, my heaven on earth. I went around my favorite part of the store. Didn't pay attention to what book she really wanted to buy. Not even in two minutes, I already had three books in my hands.


Suddenly I heard Alessia screaming. She wasn't likely calling my name, but who else named Arina here? There's only two of us, another pair over there, and the cashier.

"You're not going to believe this. I don't know what was happening between you two, but- Don't be mad at me."


"Wait. You didn't know?"

"Know what? Is there something I should know about? Mad at you for what?"

"Oh my gosh."

Her gasp made me twice as nervous. She hid something on her back. I still hate surprises like this. It makes me overthink.

Slowly, Alessia handed me a book. With the cover flipped down. I didn't get it. The other side of the book was looking good, deep, and fancy; it's the combination of yellow sunset and a silhouette of a girl.

A girl in hijab.

I fell to the floor, crying

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I fell to the floor, crying. My life, once again, was a mess.

So that's why Anthony looked nervous when Toby said it was the cover who made that last fan fiction topped the tour's best-selling chart.

So that's why Riley kept my laptop with him for almost two days.

So that's why Riley insisted to take over my work for the last show of tour.

He took that picture at the beach, when we were walking around, while I was busy pretending to look happy.

I was the one he's writing about.

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