•Chapter 18•

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We ran out of the station, going down the stairs as fast yet normal as possible. Jace and Clary were in the front, Izzy, Alec, and I in the back.
"I'll go look for a way out. Maybe there's a back way." I told the group before running off in the direction of a noticeably less populated area. I came across a utility door and tried to open it, only for it to groan in disagreement. I sighed, looking around before pulling out my stele and runing the door. I swiftly drew an unlocking rune before swinging the door open. Shoving my stele into the band of my shorts, I then pulled out and activated my sereph blade that Alec had given back to me. I stepped through the door with it drawn, scanning the area before going farther and repeating the steps till I came to another door that lead out of the utility building and to a back ally that would take us to the city. I spun around, ready to go get the others, when Jace popped up out of no where.
"Jace? What are you doing here?" I asked confused, dropping my sereph blade to my side and walking up to him. Jace walked closer, grabbing my hand.
"You trust me right?" He asked.
"Yeah, with my life." I told him, confused on why he was asking. This didn't sound like Jace at all, Jace knew that I trusted him. I stepped backward and looked at Jace, or at least the person pretending to be Jace.
"Wow." I whispered before smirking. The demon grit his teeth, looking annoyed.
"What, Claire?" He asked.
"You actually thought you could trick me, demon. How cute." I said, cocking my head to the side before stabbing my blade into the demon. It looked at me, Jace's face contorted in pain and he looked at me in shock. I laughed at the demon.
"I must say, nice acting skills." I told the demon, seconds before it burned up and disintegrated, going back to whatever hell it came from. Seconds later, Jace and Izzy ran down the hallway I was in, causing me to pull my blade up in a defensive position. The looked at me in shock.
"Claire, what are you doing?" Izzy asked with hurt tainting her voice. I looked between the two wildly.
"How do I know it's really you?" I asked, my eyes flickering to the ash at my feet. She followed my gaze, her breath hitching.
"Avec vous par mon côté je vais toujours survivre." She recited, causing me to instantly drop my guard.
"Oh Dieu merci vous avez vraiment son." I let out, still speaking in my native language. I lived in France and moved here a few weeks after my ninth birthday when I was adopted by Thomas Fairchild. Jace looked between us confused before walking out of the door. Izzy and I followed him, and we rushed to the institute.
Jace dashed around like a crazy person, Izzy staying to watch over him as I left to my bedroom. I was currently getting ready for bed, deciding I had enough emotional and physical wearing down for today. I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off. My life has been flipped upside down ever sense Clary came here, and to be honest it kind of bothered me. I revealed in the simplicity and comfort of my life, it was the only constant I've ever had. People dying wasn't uncommon in our line of work, almost everyone I've known have died on a mission. My parents, my adoptive parents, friends, my sister, they have all died because of this world. I can't help but wonder what would happen if I didn't hunt anymore, but then I realize my life would be terrible. The simplicity of being a shadowhunters isn't the same as being a mundane, it isn't even close. I couldn't imagine being a mundane, sure it would be much easier but it would also be much more boring.
I finished getting dressed, slipping on a loose crop top and some soffe shorts before going to turn off my light. Just before I flicked my light off though, my door swung open. Alec walked in, shutting the door and turning to me. We were silent for a while before he strode over to me and held my face in his hands. I looked up at him in wonder before connecting our lips. We moved in sync, Alec pushing me against the wall and picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my fingers running through his hair. I arched my back as he kissed down my jawline, my breath hitching. Eventually we pulled away from each other and I slowly got down. I leaned my head against the wall, Alec still pressing me against it.
"What was that for?" I asked breathlessly. He smiled a bit before resting his forehead on mine.
"I decided to stop being stupid and do what I was terrified to do." Alec confessed. I laughed at him, smiling.
"And what were you so terrified to do?" I teased.
"This." Alec said before kissing me again. I smiled into it, Alec pulling away a few moments later. "What would you do if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He asked softly. I pretended to think about it.
"I'd do this." I whispered before kissing him again. I pulled away and whispered in his ear. "Who wouldn't want to date the Alec Lightwood?" He laughed at me.
"So does that mean we're dating now?" He asked awkwardly. I laughed at him before nodding.
"Yep. You're stuck with me now, Lightwood."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Fairchild."

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