Chapter Three

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Still Your POV:

After all of us shared what we knew. It became clear we wouldn't be getting out anytime soon.

We learned that there were no weak spots in the school, and we couldn't break anything down, we were limited to the first floor due to the stairs being gated off, and all of our needs for survival would be met.

Everyone kept trying to find a way out, but I quickly realized we wouldn't be leaving unless we did what the bear wanted. I decided to do my best to enjoy the school. The dorms were very nice, despite the cameras in them. The hot water in the shower seemed to never run out, which was much better than the cold water I had at home. That didn't mean I liked this school though.

I also occasionally hung out with a couple of people, but mostly kept to myself.

(Time skip brought to you by Akane trying to fully button her shirt)

It's been three days and we're all still trapped with no way out. We met in the cafeteria as usual. Everyone looked worried, and Asahina, being the optimistic person she is, told us that the police would soon come to save us and that our friends and family would notice that something was wrong.

That made my heart ache for (dog and best friend's name), I really missed them.

You could guess how upset we felt when Monokuma told us no one was coming.

"W-we're never gonna get out!" Fujisaki cried, tears streaming her face.

"Fujisaki-san don't worry! Everything will turn out okay as long as everyone sticks together!" I put on a fake smile for her. I was starting to lose hope of being rescued too, but I didn't want to see Fujisaki cry.

"R-really?" Fujisaki looked up at me. The tears on her face stopped falling.

"Of course!" I reassured her, even though I felt like anyone could betray any of us at any time.

Fujisaki smiled her adorable little smile. My fake smile soon melted into something real too.

Everyone saw us smiling and it seemed to brighten up the mood in the cafeteria. We were still in a terrible situation but we were going to making the best out of it.

Then the day turned into the worst one yet.

"I just don't understand! I've made a perfect killing environment but none of ya have killed yet! Wait a sec... I know! You all need a motive!" Monokuma said disturbingly happily, but there was a sinister tone under it all.

"What do you mean a motive?" I asked, cocking my head slightly, a common thing I did when confused. And I got confused a lot.

"Well something to start the killings of course! Everyone report to the multi-media room immediately!" Monokuma laughed before disappearing.

'What is that bear going to do?' I thought as we all headed towards the multi-media room, exchanging nervous glances at each other. Waiting for us were disks, all had a name on them. I grabbed mine and sat next to Fujisaki. We both slid in our disks and put on our headphones.

The screen lit up, and (dog and two best friend's name) appeared on the screen, sitting on a couch at one of their houses. I immediately smiled, not seeing how this could be used to make me murder someone.

SHSL Woodswoman (Fem!ReaderxDanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now