Night of Creation

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     Your imagination is wandering through the nightmare. Her scythe in hand, you will be set free to see the light of day. This nightmare will loom over you no longer, but remember to fear the blood. Fear what you can't see. Exploring these streets you saw, what beasts lurk behind the gates, behind the light, behind the nightmare. Her arms are long, body is sharp, and wings standing wide. Almost like a crow, she spreads her arms out, the scythe brushing off the ground. Her hood raises, but there is nothing inside, just darkness. With one quick swing, the nightmare falls to pieces around you, and you are set free from this terrible place. You awake on the side of the street with a bottle in your hand and the sun rising.

     You can only see as far as I will let you though, just remember that. Your brain is now in progress, rethinking the nightmare will be the easy part of your journey. Just wait until you have to relive it over and over again inside your head. The blood will try and stop you, but the great ones will be at your side fighting away the monstrosities that will come.

     So you've been told to fear what you can't see? Well, tell me if you can see the shadows. No, I am expecting because when the shadows do arrive you will be dragged through the gates and out into the alley. Wait, didn't this already happen? The beasts that lurk behind the gates. They are but an animal transformed by the hellient curse, searching for the one thing that drives them mad, blood.

     There is a place left to hold. The chapel, it was built to be a safe haven for all, a place where you're truly safe, a place to worship gods and great ones. How long will it last? How long can it be a place of good when everyone inside is already dying of the curse. It's just another waste of time promising a lie from the inevitable.

     Your thoughts are divine. You have a wonderful imagination. Just the processes in which your brain works is truly brilliant. You have billions of brain cells all aligned in a perfect pattern letting you feel and work emotion, thought, behavior, and movement. Could a beast feel the things you feel, even if they can't? Does that truly make them bad? Because once, weren't they thriving with emotion inside their real bodies? Did they once feel love, compassion, and happiness? These beasts and shadows are but a segment of your imagination. Free them from the nightmare that is taking you down. Push it away and move to the light at the end of your thoughts.

Wake up.  

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