A Memories End

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     His body begins to wake from unconsciousness. Tears swell in his eyes, while the rest of him, inside and out, aches from pain, when his love comes into the room.

"You're awake!" she yells at him and runs over to the bed with her arms out.

"I'm sorry. . . I had to do it." he replies.

"Do what?" she says confused. Grasping the bloody knife in his hands, he drops it to the hospital floor. A look of horror crosses her face as she rips the covers off his body, but nothing's there.

"Who's blood is that?" she starts worried.

"Someone's who I care deeply about." he replies as the tears in his eyes begin to flow.

"No. . . It's not possible. . . She was stabbed a week ago; you couldn't have. You've been in here for nearly a year."

     He reaches out for her hand, when the bed is thrown out from underneath him. On the cold hospital floor, still holding her hand, the third attack begins.  

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