Night of Silence

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     Whispers dance in your ears so pleasant, so peaceful, but where do they come from? All that surrounds you is black. How can peace come from this dark? You look down and see your reflection staring back. Ripples align your feet, and as you take a step forward, what seems to be water breaks through and your body is drenched in a wet dark substance. Still blinded by the dark, you begin to frantically yell and kick, moving as much as you can. The current pulls you down, and down, and down, before your legs hit a sandy surface. Your legs become encased as the tight sand pulls at the rest of your body. Struggling to move the sand tightly wraps your head and begins to suffocate you. Pressure is applied to your chest as you keep struggling and struggling, but it seems the more you do the tighter the force gets. Shoving your full force into a final kick, a gap forms into the bottom of the sand, and your body plummets through it. Now free falling all that surrounds you is white, when your body freezes, and gravity seems to switch, and your helpless body is once again suffocated in sand, again you are falling through the darkness, dark, water, sand, white over and over again.

     Thrown between light and dark, the colors begin to switch as the universe's tear a hole in the center, consuming everything there is. Everything before you is now a light grey as a loud ticking noise starts in your head. Laid out before you is a white sheet with a knife laid on it. Two people lay on the ground in front of it. As you approach the knife, whispers start in your ears again.

"Choose." The voice says.

     When you reach the knife, you see that two very important people in your life take the forms of the bodies. Light from the distance quickly starts changing, filling the atmosphere, turning it black. The ticking begins to speed up as again the whispers whisper.

"Quickly now, you must choose who lives and who dies."

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