Chapter 1

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Yoonas POV

"Boy, you ain't cooler than me, nah"

I sang the last verse of "You Think" into my bejeweled microphone along with Taeyeon.

Explosions of clapping and screaming filled the concert stadium, with our fans roaring.

I glanced over to Taeyeon and saw her smiling at me. I flashed a smile back. I looked around at the other members, they were all laughing and cheering as well. I gripped my microphone even tighter, rubbing my fingers on the gems that were decoratively placed on to it.

This was it, this was our last concert of our 2k15-16 World Tour. This would be the last time I'd hear our fans cheering our names like this for a while. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Of course I was sad that this was the last time I'd be on this stage with my girls for a while, but at the same time I was happy that I was finally going to get the long break I've been waiting for.

SM entertainment agreed on giving us 4 months off work, on the account that we managed to record 6 singles during that break.
So we weren't completely off work but it was good enough.
Another catch to the situation was we had to live at the SM dorms, but this was mainly for us to avoid getting attacked by paparazzi and fans all the time. So really, it was for our own benefit.

Me and the girls didn't mind though, we've been waiting too long for this break to complain.

After we did our emotional group hug and said our farewells to our fans, we headed backstage.

"Wow, aren't you excited for this break?! Finally we can go to sleep without having to worry about waking up early &' touring!" Sooyoung exclaimed

I giggled at her reaction while nodding.

"Of course I am, I've been waiting so long for this break." I responded

The girls nodded and said 'yeah' in unison.

"Im going to miss the fans and being up on stage though," Seohyun added, "But most definitely I'm going to enjoy this break!"

We all laughed and agreed once more.

Seohyun was right, we were gonna miss being on stage, the thrill of standing in the spotlight, doing what we love, performing, and just being myself with my girls up there. It was a feeling like no other.
But the thing we'd all miss the most would be our amazing fans. We wouldn't even be here without them &' we're always thankful for them!

"Girls the vans will be here in ten minutes, get everything you need ready now." Our manager told us.

The girls and I quickly got our things together.
There wasn't much for us to take since we've already had management bring most of our belongings to our dorms ahead of time.

"Ready?" Taeyeon asked us while sticking her hand out,

"Ready!" We all replied as we placed our hand on top of hers,

"GIRLS GENERATION FOREVER!!" We all screamed while lifting our hands into the air.

We had finally arrived at our dorms. Thank god, I was starting to get carsick in the van.
No matter how many times I get driven in it, I always end up carsick.

"YES!! We're finally here!!" Hyoyeon said while pushing her way through us to get out.

"Wow, the dorms are actually really big!" Sunny said

"Well of course its big, housing 21 people requires alot of space!" Our manager replied while helping crew take our bags out.

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