Chapter One

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   Everything was overwhelmed by darkness; the world surrounding me an empty, lonely abyss filled with endless undead creatures, which roamed around aimlessly. They used to be like me, alive and intelligent, but now they wondered with only a single need: to feed. The undead don't crave the usual food groups, however, as they find human flesh to be rather enjoyable. Because they aren't human. I found myself repeating that in times where I felt conflicted. It helped me through a lot; made it easier for me to walk away from one trapped and struggling, to take down what once was a child or the elderly. It took the pain and guilt I felt, burying it all deep within me, allowing me to survive without shame. It had been over a month since I'd came in contact with another living being, but they were soon devoured, and I was left to either die with them or escape. I chose the latter option, and though I regretted leaving them behind, there was nothing I could have done.

  So now I'm here, hiding in a small shack in the middle of what I believed to be nowhere, the only sounds being the groans seeping through the cracks of the walls. I kept my ear pressed against the wall, my fingers tightly wrapped around my dulling knife as I stayed silent. I'd managed to take down a couple, possibly more as I had lost count, before reaching the safety of the rundown shack. I was surrounded, that much I knew, but my brain just couldn't seem to piece together a decent escape plan. I let out a panted breath as I strained my neck in order to look out the window. That turned out to be a bad idea, as I caught one of the dead's attention, and it slammed a fist against the glass causing it to crack. I hissed at my stupidity and hid once more, unsure of what my next move would be. I thought about taking the risk and making a run for it, but I had no clue how many were waiting at the door, and I refused to lose my life in such a manner as quick decisions. Deep breaths, Katrina...just stay focused, and you'll get through this. I thought to myself, trying to stay calm as my heart pounded within my chest.

Over the groans, voices echoed through the walls, and suddenly I wasn't alone. I could hear the sound of a gun firing, and a corpse hit the outside of the shack, its body sliding to the ground with a loud 'thump'. "Is there anyone inside?" someone called to me, and it took a moment to find my voice before I replied. "I'm- I'm here!" A few moments passed before the shack's door swung open, and I prepared myself for whatever was to come, my knife ready in hand. A man entered soon after, and I observed him as his eyes roamed over the interior of the shack, finally connecting with mine. He was tall, with dark curls that framed his face, the beginnings of a beard evident from where I was crouched a few feet away. He moved forward, another man following behind him, this one completely different. He had disheveled, dirty brown hair and muscled arms that held up a large crossbow, which he had pointed at my head. "What's your name?" the first asked quickly, his voice a soft drawl. I licked my lips, "Katrina Lewis." He nodded and glanced back at his comrade before he met my gaze once more. "I'm Rick Grimes," he greeted before he motioned back at the man wielding the crossbow, "Daryl." I slowly pushed myself off the floor, eyeing them carefully.

Daryl watched as I put my knife away, his gaze piercing through me, before I turned my attention back to them. "Are you alone?" Rick asked cautiously, and it took everything in me not to laugh at his question. Did it look like I had a group? I simply nodded, and he seemed to relax, but only slightly. "We have a good set up on a farm, not too far from here. You're welcome to join us." I looked between the two men, trying to find any sign that I shouldn't trust them, and when I found none I nodded.

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