Chapter Four

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  Daryl continued to show me around the farm, every now and then mentioning something his group had been told, but most of the tour was silent. I didn't mind it, as I could tell he wasn't much for conversation, and this was probably the most he'd spoken to a stranger. Or maybe he doesn't like you....I shook the thought from my mind with a soft sigh, a part of me wanting to believe that was the case, but I couldn't let myself jump to conclusions so quickly; doing so could get me kicked out, or even killed. "So what will my job be?" I asked once Daryl finished explaining that Glenn, the young Asian boy I met only a few minutes before, was their go to when it came to makings runs. He paused for a moment, in thought as he chewed at his thumbnail. "What are ye good at?" he asked, and I bit the inside of my cheek. "Well, I'm good at hunting. Fast runner too...I can cook?" I listed off, and he dropped his hand.

  Awaiting his response, I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, gnawing at my lower lip absentmindedly. He thought over my reply for a moment before finally speaking up, "We could use ye for a lot of things 'round here." I nodded slowly, throwing him a small smile, and his only response was a slight nod before beginning to walk once more. I followed him quickly as he led me over to the vehicles where Rick stood, his back towards us, and another man I had yet to meet was talking to him. Rick looked over his shoulder as we approached, flashing us a grin. "I see Hershel gave you the all clear," he observed, and I smiled giving him a nod. "Yep. Said I could start pulling my weight around here."

  Rick looked back at the man he was talking to, who now watched me with an unnerving gaze. "Shane, this Kat. Kat...Shane," he introduced, and I gave Shane a bright smile, only to have him sneer and walk off. I frowned, looking back at Rick who seemed just as confused by his reaction. "Don't mind him. We're all a little on edge." I nodded as Daryl stepped forward. "Any sign of her?" he asked Rick softly, and said person shook his head with a small, almost frustrated sigh. "No...but I have a feeling we're close." he replied, and I could hear the hope in his words. "Who are you looking for again? I can't seem to remember if you told me or not." I stated, looking at them with a curious expression. Rick licked his lips before replying, "A little girl- Carol's daughter. Her name is Sophia." he explained, and I frowned. How little was she? "How old?" I asked softly, hoping not too young. "Twelve," Daryl spoke up this time, and I relaxed a little; she had a shot if she was still alive. "I'd like to help in any way I can, if that's alright?" The two men looked at each other, as if silently trying to decide if this was a smart move, before Rick turned to face me once again. "Alright."

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