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theme song for chapter: runaway by ryn weaver


Declan raised his cigarette to his lips, sweat dripping down his chest and face due to the hot weather occurring in Florida. His tousled bleached hair shined silver like in the sunlight. No one knew much beauty as much as Adeline knew looking at what belonged to her. Her fingers found the camera around her neck and proceeded to tell a story with a picture.

Declan heard the click of the camera knowing that for so many reasons, Adeline was taking photographs of anything she saw that she thought was beautiful, including himself. Declan still treated Adeline as if she was the last drop of water that a man in the desert had left to survive. She was his home.

But, as they were right now, traveling as much as they could to see the world, see the beauty, the only thing he had eyes for was her. Her sweet velvety voice, soft olive skin, brown thick hair, intelligent mind, and the eye she had for objects and hidden things that were beautiful captivated him to much.

Here they were, both in their early twenties, straight out of college, knowing they could do anything they yearned for, and they chose to travel. Adeline looked up from her lens, her big hazel eyes taking in his admiring form, and smiled. "Love, I think we can start back on the road, you think? I got some really good shots! I can't wait to show you them." His mouth quivered, trying to hold back his smile while looking at his girlfriend, soulmate really, if he thought about it more. He nodded. She smiled bigger.

With their hands entwined they enjoyed the sound of If I Believe You by the 1975. One of the things they loved the most about each other was their passion for music, knowing they had to have it in their life made them drawn to each other.

 One of the things they loved the most about each other was their passion for music, knowing they had to have it in their life made them drawn to each other

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"If I told you I need you, is that what you want?"

Matty Healy's voice blasted through Declan's car speakers. Though, it was only a song, Declan felt as if those lyrics were being ripped from his mind and being sung out loud. Sometimes it scared him to death knowing how strong his feelings were for Adeline. He was scared that the rug would be ripped out from under him, when she would realize how there was someone out there worthy of her. Someone who didn't smoke a pack of cigarettes a day to escape his worries and responsibilities. Someone who didn't get wasted knowing that it bothered Adeline so much that she gave a certain sad look.

Declan knew one day Adeline would wake up and know what she truly deserved. And Declan wasn't even near what she needed.

There might be a man out there enough for her, but nobody would worship the ground she walked on as much as him.


Remembering the first encounter that Adeline and Declan had, made her smile. She smiled because  in that moment, Adeline knew where she belonged. Adeline recalled being a sophomore in High School, and making eye contact with the most beautiful blue eyes that ever existed on earth. She gasped as if electricity flew straight through her body. She knew, they both new, something was there. And they were drawn to each other.

Now, here they are, 5 years later, and are exceptionally, immensely, in love with each other.


They were originally from Forks, Washington. And I know what you are thinking, they lived in that place in Twilight? Yep they did.

The heat was such a different contrast than the humid, rainy weather down in Forks. They recently graduated from Peninsula College, around where they lived.

They wanted out. Out of that town. Out of the social suicide of being the same. So, they could be them. Just them. Declan and Adeline.

Pressure was added onto their shoulders back then. Being known as the naive girl and the stoner, wasn't a very good combination in their eyes. But that's all they saw of Declan and Adeline.

They didn't see how every time Adeline was around another male, Declan laced their fingers together. They didn't see how soft their kisses would be, and how they were full of adoration and love. They didn't see how irrevocably in love they were.

All they saw was the stoner and naive girl. Thats all they ever saw.

That's why they wanted out. And this was their new beginning.


Adeline hummed along to the song currently playing from Declan's car. Stand Back by Stevie Nicks.

"She's a genius! Isn't she!" Adeline spoke loud over the music. She turned back toward the window before she saw me crack a grin.

It was already getting close to seven pm so the sun was setting

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It was already getting close to seven pm so the sun was setting. Adeline pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures. Typical of her. Her camera was always at reach of her fingertips.

That was one of the things I noticed about her. Most girls were to invested on how their outfit looked than the true beauty. She had a love for photography and music. The second she said those were two things she loved the most, I was drawn and hooked to her. And I couldn't let go.

Her looking over at me brought me out of my thoughts. "I love you, Declan." She said. Adeline hasn't said I love since five days ago. Relief bursted through my chest. I pulled her hand to my mouth. "I love you too."

And that was the moment when I knew everything was going to be okay.

Hello lovelies!
This is Alexchenson!
I am so excited to be back and I hope you like the introducing of the two main characters of Traveling Song! I am sooo excited for this novel, (possibly series)?! I know it has taken me quite a while to update, but I hope that the upcoming chapters will help with that. I am so happy to finally be content with what I'm writing and I really hope you guys like it! I love you guys and have a wonderful night or day or morning! Who knows what time your reading this?! At least I don't. Anyways, stay tuned! More of Adeline and Declan is coming your way! Xoxo, Alexchenson.

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