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theme song for this chapter: drive by oh wonder


From Florida all the way to Georgia, the couple was exhausted. Their goal was to travel to every state in the United States. So far, they had been to four states including Washington (duh), Alabama, Tennessee, and now Georgia. Those were the only states where they really stayed and enjoyed the area. Yeah, they would drive through other states to get to the one they wanted to go to, but it only counted if they actually spent a decent amount of time there.

Declan and Adeline collapsed on the king-sized hotel bed and felt as if they could fall asleep right then and there. "I've got to take a shower and get ready for bed. I'll be back." Adeline said to Declan. Even with her messy hair and smudged makeup, Declan still thought she was the most beautiful creature to walk on this planet. "Wait, sweetheart." He responded. She halted her step and turned toward him. He walked to her and cupped her neck with his hand. Declan captured her lips with his. He knew his breath smelt like smoke and tequila, but Adeline didn't acknowledge that. She just kissed him back with all her being. After a minute, they pulled away. 

"Need any help in there?" He asked her with a humored smirk.

"You wish!" She laughed. Adeline walked to the bathroom connected to their hotel room. 

Adeline's purity still captivated him since the moment he met her. Knowing that she had never been kissed before him and never had had "you know what", even when they have been dating for five years, made him feel some type of way. A good way. But he knew she couldn't say the same about him. He had already had his first kiss, and that he wasn't as clear as Adeline was. It still bothered him to this day, knowing that he didn't save himself for Adeline, knowing how much he loved and worshiped her. 

Declan heard the shower cut off and the faucet turn on. She was almost finished. It kind of hurt Declan, knowing that Adeline wasn't ready for that big step with him, when he was emotionally and physically sure that it was a choice he wouldn't regret. He felt as if their relationship wasn't as serious as he had hoped it to be. As if she didn't love him as much as he loved her. But, he also knew that it wasn't the biggest thing in the world, and that meant that just the love they had for each other, could make up for it. 

The bathroom door opening brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked to find the love of his life. Her face was free of makeup, her skin was flawless and acne free. She had on plaid pajama shorts and a black flowy tank top. She came and gave him a peck on the lips and got into the bed. Pulling out Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Declan had never seen her read any popular book at the current time, or a modern romance. It was always the classics.

 "Love you, Ad." He sees her crack a smile, and reply with "I love you too." Declan heads to the bathroom and gets ready for tomorrow. 

Finishing up, he enters the one bedroom hotel room they rented for three days, to find Adeline curled up asleep. Noticing his light still turned on, Declan turns it off and curls next to her. Pulling her to his chest, Declan relaxes and finally, I mean finally, closes his eyes. Soon enough, sleep calls for him. 


The next day.

Adeline and Declan decided for their first day in Atlanta, Georgia, they would explore the city, going to as many shops and restaurants as they could.

They had already been to a place called Star Provisions that was just a market and cafe place. Adeline got her a smoothie and Declan bought a cheeseburger and tried a new drink called Sweet Tea.

Adeline had always made the best food choices. Although, she had very low metabolism, which made her not eat a lot. Declan always was concerned for her health. Knowing, at any time, she could pass out from lack of protein or even sugar.

It had happened before. Adeline hadn't eaten breakfast the past two days and had passed out in a gas station rest room. Security was called and Declan, worried as heck, probably bought out the entire Gatorade and soda section.

Declan knew that Adeline would most likely be like this for the rest of her life, but he still was extremely worried for her health. The last thing he wanted for her is to really hurt herself. Adeline wasn't the most skinniest person in the world. Even when she tried to hide her figure under large t-shirts, you could still see the curve of her waist. 

The thing was, society brainwashes the female gender, into thinking they have to be a certain size, have to walk a different way, and even act a certain way to get the male species to acknowledge them at all. Adeline wasn't any of those. She just worried about her size. Adeline tries to conceal the fact that she is, in fact, a little self conscious around Declan. Knowing that, many, many, girls around them, flaunts their size 0 figure. She always was confused as to why he chose her. Why he didn't see those drop dead gorgeous girls around him. Why he didn't just dump her. But, she had a feeling why. 

Adeline had always been different. When even some of her closest friends saw a beautiful eye makeup palette, and had to buy it, she saw a beautiful sun setting, and had to capture a picture of it. She noticed how when girls were asked what her favorite music artist was, they would say in between the lines of Ariana Grande and Drake. Adeline always had said Fleetwood Mac or Sara Bareilles. 

Sometimes, in between judging and comparing your selves to others, you don't notice how important and special you are. Adeline realized that you always need to take a second, to realize, who you really are. And that she did.



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Second chapter down! I know that these are very short right now, but soon they will be long!

I'm super happy with how this is coming together.

I hope you guys really enjoy this book and please keep reading!

Lots of love, Alexchenson.

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