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song to inspire this chapter: when a heart breaks by ben rector


2 weeks later


"Oh, come on! Pizza is honestly the best and convenient food that exists!" Kyle, one of Adeline's closest friend's, said into his cell phone speaker.

Kyle Smith was honestly, one of Adeline's best friends. They met when they were twelve and were inseparable ever since. Well, since, Declan came along. Kyle was always, well you know, protective over Adeline.

Seeing Declan, like everyone else did, didn't help. It hurt Kyle to know that Adeline fell in love with Declan. It took a toll on their friendship.

Adeline could recall them in a fight, bloody screaming at each other. Kyle thought she was being reckless, stupid, not thinking. Adeline knew what she was going into. He always felt the need to save her from anyone or anything that he though would hurt her.

But Adeline knew she had to be careful. She waited to be sure of Declan, before she gave him her heart. Five years later, she realized she made the right decision.

Kyle knew that. But he didn't trust Declan. And might I add, Declan didn't trust him either.

"Well, that's what you think! I think donuts by far are the most delicious." She replied. Kyle chuckled before falling into a silence.

"I miss you, Addi." He spoke. Kyle's nickname for her was Addi. Kyle hadn't given anyone else any nickname other than her.

Hearing his sad voice over the speaker phone broke Adeline. She knew when her and Declan left to travel, it was out of nowhere. Everyone was shocked to find out that they just left.

Rumors were spread that Declan had gotten Adeline pregnant, so they ran away to elope. Some said men were hunting down Declan, wanting the "drugs" that he had promised them. It was all false.

"I miss you too." Adeline's voice rang out. It shocked her to hear a quiver in her voice.

"It's hard without you here. Why did you have to leave?"

Adeline gave a thought.

"You know why Kyle. I'm in love with Declan. This is what we wanted to do. Travel. Make the most of our lives."

Adeline closed her eyes. Kyle was a very opinionated person. He tries to object to anything she chooses to do that involves Declan.

They never really put that fight behind them.

"Come on, Adeline! He's not good for you!"

"Stop! I'm so sick and tired of people deciding what type of person he is! I'm in love with him! Do you got that? I've been with him for five years! Can't you people worry about yourself for one moment. We left to get away from all of you! I know Declan inside and out, okay? And I love him no matter what." Adeline yelled into the speaker, not caring if Declan could hear her in the next room.

There was a pregnant pause.

"Well, when you get your heart broken, don't come back running to me, because we all warned you, especially me."

Kyle hung up.

Anger possessed her whole body. She shook feeling the mad tears run down her face.

Why? Why, must everyone feel the need to judge Declan. He's done nothing but be the victim.

Ugh! She thought. She felt pity for people who don't have the advantage to know such a great person like Declan.

Sensing him in the room, she felt his arms encircle around her waist.

Declan felt that something was wrong. Walking into their hotel room currently in Arkansas, he saw her tense shoulders, knowing she was stressing about something.

Adeline was always a people pleaser. And when he once found her on her bathroom floor, sobbing uncontrollably, he knew something was wrong.

Adeline suffered from high anxiety. She was a perfectionist. It became harder for her when she started dating Declan, knowing people didn't see her as the perfect girl anymore.

Declan always hated thinking about himself causing her so much pain.

So, when college ended, he knew they had to get away, without any worries.

He knew someone upset her. Someone who almost meant as much as him to her.


Declan never really liked Kyle. He always stood too close, acted more like a boyfriend than a friend.

He always gave Declan the stink eye when they would kiss or hug, or show any sign of PDA around him. It pissed Declan off to the highest extinct.

Declan was sure if Adeline had to choose between him or Kyle she would always choose him.

"Love, is everything okay?"

Then the dams broke through.

Tears cascaded down Adeline's face.

Panic attack.

Declan's whole body erupted into worry.

Bending down, he gathered her into his arms. Declan has been through so many attacks with her, he knew what to do.

But, the thing that hurt the most was that Adeline hadn't had a panic attack in eight months.


Laying in the comfortable sheets of the hotel room's bed, Adeline felt 100% better. Declan's arms around her, spooning her.

She moved more into him, setting her head on his shoulder. Lips touched her head, smiling, she moved her head up so her lips met his own.

"God, Declan, I am so in love with you."

She looked up at him to see him smirking.

"My love for you is never ending, Adeline Dahlia, and don't forget it."

Kisses after kisses, they eventually stopped to watch a movie.

Dead Poets Society, one of their favorites to watch together.

"Poetry, beauty, romance, love- these are what we stay alive for."

John Keating's voice rang out.

"Music, traveling, and you should be added to that list." Adeline heard Declan murmur.

She could say the same for him.

Pulling her fingers through his hair, she brought his head to her chest. Where he lays, she always stays.

Love, ever since they were 17 years old, they knew what it was. And they lived by it.

Adeline felt him sit up. Her face was grasped by his fingers. Lips touched hers.

She was lucky enough to have locked eyes with that blue eyed boy that day in the school hallway.

Because he has changed her whole world.



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Please check out the movie Dead Poets Society. It's absolutely lovely and heartbreaking.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know I sure did.

Lots of love, ALEXCHENSON.

See you soon, *winks*.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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