Chapter 13

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Bulkhead groaned as he heard something ringing. He thought it was his clock and smacked the snooze button. The ringing continued, he opened one eye and squinted at the clock it said 4:45 am. He slapped it again, the ringing didn't stop. He growled and smashed the clock in half with his fist. He grumbled as the ringing didn't stop. The wrecker looked at the floor and saw his phone was the culprit. He picked it up and glared at the device.

"Who is calling at this unearthly hour?" He growled menacingly. He looked at the caller ID and his eyes widened. He sat up with a jolt and quickly answered.

"Miko, is everything okay? Why are you calling this early?" He asked trying not to panic. He heard the girl start to say something, than she broke down and cried.

"Hey, hey, hey." He said gently trying to calm her. "It's okay, tell me whats going on."

"Bulkhead.... I'm running away....I'm at the bus station..." She said between sobs. The wrecker jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed.

"Okay...okay hold on, don't go anywhere. I'll be there soon." He said as he pulled on his combat boots. He grabbed his keys and ran to the car.

"AAH!" He yelled as he turned the corner. Bumblebee was sitting on top of the sports car sitting cross legged.

"Bee? What are you doing?" The wrecker asked. The little scout shrugged and stared at him curiously.

"Miko needs help I'll be back shortly." He said as he got into his car. Bee jumped off and pointed at himself. "No don't worry this is a small matter." He said as he drove away. Bumblebee scowled and folded his arms as he stared after the car.


Miko felt herself dozing off as she waited for the bus station to open. She glanced at the clock and saw that it said 5:20 am. A few cars drove by and she started to feel lonely.

"This seat taken?" Someone asked. She looked up and smiled when she saw her friend.

"Yes it is actually." She said smirking.

"I'm sure whoever it is won't mind." Bulkhead said as he sat next to her. They sat quietly for a moment, as they thought about what to say.

"Miko...where are you going to go?" He asked finally.

"Taking the bus to Vegas, than taking an airplane to New York." She whispered angrily, as she glared at the ground. They were silent again for a few minutes.

"Why are you running away?" He asked softly. She glared up at him with tears in her eyes.

"They don't want me Bulkhead. My host parents and my real parents were arguing over who should look after me during the summer." The girl said angrily as tears rolled down her cheeks. "No matter what you say I'm leaving, I don't want to be here anymore." She said looking at the ground again.

He wasn't sure how to respond, he knew she was hurting and he wanted to help. Bulkhead put an arm around her and she leaned in to him. The girl sniffed a couple of times, and closed her eyes.

"Will you wait with me?" She asked quietly. He sighed softly, he knew she was scared but would never admit it.

"Don't worry I'll stay with you." He said.

After a while the girl fell asleep, and he watched over her. If anyone suspicious walked by, he would glare at them or growl menacingly to scare them off.


Bulkhead looked up at the clock and saw that it was 10:00 am. He had watched the man come and open the ticket booth, but didn't dare wake up the girl. He sighed and figured he should take her home. He looked down at the girl that was sleeping on his lap, and smiled. He gently brushed a few stray hairs out of her face. She stirred and opened her eyes. She sat up and stretched.

"Hey sleepy head." He said smiling softly. She looked up at him than at the ground.

"You're going to take me home now aren't you..." She whispered. He looked at the sidewalk.

"That would be the right thing to do." He said looking back at her. She looked up at him confused. "But I think we can make a quick stop for breakfast, and swing by the base." He smirked. The girl grinned and hugged him tightly. He helped gather her stuff and they headed off.


After they ate Bulkhead drove towards the base. Miko remained quiet as they traveled down the road. The wrecker glaced at her once in awhile, and started to worry as she kept quiet. The girl stared out the window and watched as a guy wearing a black helmet rode past them on a black motorcycle. The rider looked her way and sped off. She sighed softly.

"Hey Miko...what do you say we go to a monster truck rally tonight?" He said smiling at her. The girl looked at him eyes wide, her face broke out into a grin.

"You mean it?!" She all but yelled.

A black and purple car started to pass them. He smiled bigger, and nodded. The girl cheered and started talking excitedly. Bulkhead looked at the car driving next to him, looking in the rear view mirror he saw an identical car behind them. Something wasn't right. Looking forward he saw the black motorcycle slow down in front of him.

"Bulkhead what's wrong?" The girl asked, worry etched in her voice.

"They boxed us in." He growled angrily. "Call the others, things might get ugly." The girl pulled out her phone and called the base.

"Guys! We're going to need some back up. I think it's the Con- UGH!" She grunted as the black car bumped into theirs.

Bulkhead looked over on his side and noticed a small trench running along the road. The car bumped into them again, and Bulkhead pushed back. The car behind them rammed into the bumper at the same time the other car pushed back harder. The wrecker did his best to keep control of the vehicle, but they both hit again and sent them off the road. Miko screamed as the car rolled, Bulkhead grunted as his head hit something, and he blacked out.

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