Chapter 21

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At the base Optimus Prime and Wheeljack had finally woken up. They were sitting on the berths listening as the others explained what had happened. Agent Fowler had left to get the aircraft. After they finished bringing them up to speed. Optimus looked over at Bulkhead and Smokescreen who were standing at the computer quietly arguing with each other.

"Autobots report." The leader said. The two men jumped, turned around, and looked at each other nervously.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Smokescreen asked trying to sound calm. Arcee glared at them.

"You said you located the Nemesis." She replied sounding irritated. The two men exchanged glances again.

"Ya about that...." Smokescreen mumbled as he scratched the back of his head nervously. Optimus gave them a look.

"Okay, okay, okay....yes we located the Nemesis... Not sure how but we did." The young man said.

"I hear an excuse coming." Arcee growled.

"More of a confession..." Bulkhead mumbled, as he looked at the ground.

"Explain." Optimus said firmly.

"Well....I was trying to figure out how to get the coordinates so we could get to it....and I hit a button....basically the whole system crashed...and we don't know where they are." Bulkhead said, the two men smiled nervously. Wheeljack and Arcee face palmed, while Optimus stared at them blankly.

"How much of the system crashed?" Miko asked. They looked at each other then back at her. The lights suddenly went out and they heard something power down.

"That's not good...." Bulkhead muttered. Arcee face palmed again.

"Where's Rachet when you need him?" She asked with frustration.


Two drones led the doctor down some halls towards what he assumed, was Shockwaves lab. A few minutes later, they went through a pair of doors into the lab. Rachet saw a man with black hair and an eye patch working frantically on the computer. He stopped when the doors opened and glared at the new comers.

"Leave us." He said to the drones before turning back to his computer.

"But what if he tries anything to escape?" One asked.

"It is illogical, but if he does I will inform you and you can shoot the scout." Shockwave said without looking up. The drones looked at each other and than glared at the medic before leaving. Rachet looked around as he formulated a plan in his head.

"It is illogical for you to try and escape." Shockwave said again, he paused and looked over his shoulder at him. "If you value the Autobot scums life, you will help me with this task." He grumbled.

Rachet glared at him but remained quiet as he worked on what the scientist told him to do. He hated every minute of it, knowing he was helping Megatron, but he didn't want to get a team mate killed. He had a feeling that if he got Bumblebee killed, Megatron would just kidnap someone else and kill them. He shuddered at the thought. He couldn't sabotage the formula because Shockwave would know, and he couldn't send out a distress signal, because Soundwave would find out. Rachet leaned on the console and sighed in frustration.

"Having troubles doctor?" He turned and saw Knockout smirking at him.

"What are you doing here?" Shockwave growled angrily.

"Just making sure our prisoner is doing everything right." He said still smirking. Shockwave walked over to him.

"It is illogical for you to be here. I am taking care of the matter. If you interrupt me again, I will throw you out the window!" He growled angrily.

The Incident (TFP Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora