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Greg was Sitting On the couch on A Saturday morning Twards The End Of July. He Was eating his favorite cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And watching his favorite Satuday Morning Cartoon: Loony Toons. When suddenly his Mom called out from the kitchen " Greg, We need to talk. Come here."

Greg Walked through the hallway Twards The kitchen When he peered through the doorway and saw his Mom tearing up. He walked through the door, just to find out that his Mom hasen't seen him yet. She said "Greg, come over here and sit down." he dosen't want to make this any harder for his mother, so he went along with what she wanted. He could all ready see that she was choking to get words out "Gregory, honey." She said tearfully " have I ever teold you about your father, how he died?" her voice cracked on the last part. I was starting to tear up. I asked fearfully, not knowing what was coming " No, I." I was is a loss for words. Mom could tell I couldn't finish the sentence so she said. " When I was preagnant with you. You father went to protect the School.

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