The children walked into the Great Hall. As the groop walked in the entire room was hushed, concerned of their tardiness

Greg looked up too see McGonnagal already up at the podium, at the front of the Great Hall.

"Mr. Gregory, Ms. Emily, please join me up here to be sorted."

Greg did not know what being "sorted" was.. Emma ran to the front of the room in excitenent and hopped up onto a large stool in the middle of the stage, where all the teachers sat.

McGonnagal placed an old, ancient looking hat upon her head.

The hat moved and distorted itself, and let out a groan,

"This girl is loyal, however very quick thinking... I think, Hufflepuff!" the hat proclaimed.

Greg was next.. " this young man is very smart and stunningly brilliant, I choose," the hat started to cough, " hufflepuff!"

Greg put up a fake smile and walked over to the last empty spot at the Blue table.

Greg thought to himself, "how is he going to make it if the only friend he had made was away from him?"

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