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Authors note: I cant belive I have 15 reads! Keep reading, commenting, and voteing 😊_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gregory Nielson:

We, the magic counsel. Recognize that the blood running through your Veins and Arteries contains Magic. So, we ask if you will attend School at Hogwarts.

On the back of this page you will find a supply list."

"I- I can't believe it." at that moment. Greg new his life had Changed.

"Well," asked his mother "Do you want to go?"

" I guess" he said. " When do we need to leave?"

"Next Friday." replied his mother.

"Do you want me to go?"

"I would love it more then anything in the world"

She rubbed his blonde, shaggy hair and walked to another part of the house.

Greg then leaned in his chair and thought about the stories his Mom had read him when he was younger.

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