Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

The following morning, we dropped Darcy off at my mum's house before driving to the rehearsal studio. Louis was fidgeting as he sat on my lap while we rode in the limo.

"What's the matter Boo?" I asked, rubbing circles into his hip.

"I hate hiding my tail all the time. It gets quite uncomfortable," he whimpered.

I kissed his neck, "I'm sorry Boo, I wish I could make it better but I can't."

"S'ok. I just have to get used to it," Louis sighed, "And being away from Darcy all the time."

"We still get to see her during break you know that right?" I whispered into his ear.

Louis turned back to me and nodded, giving me a tight smile, "I know."

"Do you ever miss your family?"

Louis looked away before meeting my gaze again, "Of course I miss them. But they don't miss me so I don't bother going back."

I took a deep breath before replying, "Why don't we visit them soon? That way you guys can mend whatever is going on between you two before you go all superstar on them and they have to see your face everywhere."

"They don't know I'm part cat Harry. They were close to disowning me after I told them I was gay. I was too scared to tell them I was part cat. I left before I had the chance."

"So no one knew?"

Louis shook his head, "No one besides you guys and Darcy."

I kissed his temple, "Well why don't we visit your parents this weekend? I'm sure my parents would love having Darcy for the weekend."

Louis giggled, "Alright."


When the weekend came, Louis was a nervous ball of energy. I tried getting him to calm down, but he was too nervous to even bother anymore.

"At least help me pack?" I asked, sighing.

Louis stopped bouncing before hopping over to me and helping me put clothes into the small suitcase we were sharing.

"I booked a hotel just down the street from your parents' house so they can handle the news and stuff without it being all in their faces. Alright?" I asked, wrapping my arms around Louis's waist and putting my chin on his shoulder.

Louis turned and gave me a small smile, "Thank you."

I smiled back, "Of course."

I kissed his cute button nose before letting go of him before moving about to finish packing.

"I'm going to go say goodbye to people 'kay?" Louis said, slowly backing up.

I chuckled, "Ok."

He skipped out of the room and I refocused back on the luggage. I zipped it up and placed it on the floor. I started rolling it out and saw Louis giggling at something Zayn had said.

"You guys are only going for a weekend," Liam pointed to the suitcase, "What's with that?"

"Lou and I are sharing and I couldn't find a big enough bag to fit everything," I smirked, "Would you like help tying up your tail Lou?"

Louis smiled and nodded, bounding over to me. He lifted up his shirt and wrapping his tail around his stomach. I grabbed the cover and wrapped it around him. When I was done, Louis slipped on his black beanie and we gave everybody hugs.

"Now get out of the house!" Louis said, shooing everybody out.

We all chuckled and made our way to our respective cars. I put the luggage in the trunk and Louis locked the door before joining me in the car.

"Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together.

Louis smiled and nodded.


When we got to Louis's parents' house, he was nervous and chewing on his bottom lip excessively. I gave his hand a squeeze of comfort and we climbed out and walked to the door. Louis quickly knocked and stood close by me. The door opened to reveal a women who looked to be in her early to mid-forties.

"Louis?" she asked, dumbfounded.

"Hi mum," he whispered.

His mum let of a silent squeal of relief and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh goodness Louis! I missed you so much!" she pulled back and put her hands on his shoulders, "I don't care what gender you like as long as you're ok."

Louis gave her a small smile, still not quite believing her, "Thanks mum."

His mum turned to me and gave me a curious glance, "Aren't you that boy from that boy band Lottie likes?"

I chuckled, "Yes Mrs. Tomlinson."

She waved her hand, "Call me Jay. Come in you too! I'm sure the girls would love to see you!"

Louis gave me a grateful smile before walking into the house. I closed the door behind me and we walked into the living room. Louis was instantly attacked with four small bodies, a mess of limbs and giggles.

"Where's Mark?" Louis said in a strained voice.

Jay sighed, "We divorced after you left. I didn't know he did that to you and I couldn't stand seeing that happening to you."

Louis's eyes started watering. He pulled her into her into a hug and she quickly responded back. Lottie walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"You're welcome," I replied, also whispering.


Argh! I'm so sorry for taking so long >.< I'm sorry it's short :c Like the new cover I made? :D



Written by: @Styles_Tomlinson_123

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