Afraid of the Dark

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(Alexandra P.O.V)

"What?!" Both Amber and Scarlet yelled in shock.

"Shh!" I shushed. "What should I do?"

"Get rid of it!" Amber said pointing to my stomach.

"No!" Scarlet yelled. "Are you crazy?!"

"No," Amber said rolling her eyes. "I meant adoption."

"I thought you were gonna suggest abortion." Scarlet said showing a relieve on her face.

"Well, that could work too."Amber said shrugging her shoulders.

"Are you crazy?!" Scarlet yelled. "There's a baby inside of our best friend, and we are not gonna kill it!"

"Guys, stop yelling!" I yelled to get their attention.

"What?" Amber asked.

"Have you told him yet?" Scarlet asked, but I stood quiet.

"Are you serious you haven't told him yet?!" Amber said getting out of my bed.

"You have to tell Nick." Scarlet said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Tell me what?" Nick's voice came threw the door.

"Shit." Amber whispered.

"You came early from work..." I said trying to act normal.

"Yeah, I did." Nick said taking his shoes off. "Hi Amber and Scarlet."

"Hey." They both greeted awkwardly.

"Whats going on?" He asked worried.

"Alexandra needs to tell you something in private, right Alex?" Scarlet said grabbing Amber's hand. "We will be downstairs."

They exited my room and left me and Nick alone.

"What's going on, princess?" Nick said sitting on the edge of my bed and patting beside him, telling me to sit there, so I did.

"Um, how do I put this." I said while trying to stop my hand from shaking.

"Are you okay? Did Antonio do something, cause if he did I'll go up to him right now!" He said getting worried and frustrated.

"No, its not that." I said relaxing my head on his shoulder.

"Then what is it, bella?" He said wrapping his arm around me.

"I've been throwing up lately." I started off.

"Are you sick? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" He asked getting up from the bed.

"No, listen to me." I said and he sat back down. "I haven't had my period this month nor will I have it next month."

"Is that bad? Cause if it is I'll take you to the doctor so they can check you." He said this time he didn't get up from the bed.

"No, Nick." I said sitting up straight and looking him in his dark brown eyes. "I'm pregnant..."

"What?" He asked confused.

"You are going to be a father." I said hoping that he will accept it and not leave me alone on this.

"Me, a dad?" He asked to himself and he stood up from my bed and ran a hand threw his hair while making circles in my room.

"Yes..." I said getting worried about his reaction.

"That's great!" He said in excitement.

"Wait, what? You are not mad?" I asked confused.

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