Chapter 2

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Small drops of sweet pink and white ice-cream stick to my fingers as I try to wipe off the freezing delicassy from my stomach. I got deeper into the sea and the water came up my legs until it reached my neck, engulfing my body, all except my head of course. I swipe my hands across the ice-cream so that it washed away leaving my bare skin. I step my way back to the shore leaving my foot-prints along the sandy seabed. There were small white shells and a few rocks scattered along coastline. What I didn't realize was that I was about to step on a sea urchin. Without noticing, I felt a stabbing pain in the bottom of my foot. the pain was so bad I let out a huge scream.


No one saw or heard me because they were all playing and tanning and to busy to give notice, it was no use calling my friends they had already gone back to the towels. The pain was unbearable, there was so much blood oosing out of my foot. I began to feel extremely light headed. It was obvious you were drifting out to sea with the current. The water became closer to my chin, I try to fight the current but I am so weak. I could now no longer reach the ground, my long legs were exhausted because of all the kicking I had been doing to stay above water. My feet begin to give up and stop kicking hard enough. My head is being submerged many times, I gasp as many breaths as I can when I pop my head out of the water. I was swallowing so much salty water making me cough and lose my breath. I was uncontrollably waving my hand in the air.

I begin to question if you are ever going to make it. No one was looking or paying attention. I had swallowed to much water and were not getting enough air and the blood flowing from my feet was unstoppable. My eyelids flutter closed every now and then until I can no longer fight. I wave one more time and then I completely faint. The last thing I heard and see was a loud and screeching whistle and the blurred outline of a person run towards me.


My eyes flickered open and I shot up onto my elbows in shock. I still felt a horrible pain in my foot, I grabbed it and saw my foot was involved in soft white bandage. I looked around analyzing my surroundings. A lot of electronical things and people dressed in long white robes were in the room. Soon I realized I was in the hospital. In the corner of the room sat three people waiting for me to wake up. They jumped up out of their seats getting closer to me. When they were only 3 metres away from me I knew It was Tyler, Kim and Nova. They look really worried, but I'm so happy to see them!

"OMG, YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!!" Shouted Tyler, giving me a very tight hug. I could feel the warmth of her body. I'm so glad to be still alive. Now I actually realized that I was so close to drowning.

"I thought you wouldn't survive it " said Kim almost crying. *FLASHBACK* I stand on something really spiky... A pain went straight into my whole body.... I felt my body fighting to the unstoppable pain of my foot... Slowly I was falling down.... I could hear the water splahing away... It was all blurry and ended up all black..... NOOOOO!! I snapped out of my flashback and into reality, because of somebody shouting.

"ISA!!! HELLOOO??!!" Doctor? Is she alright?" said Kim fearful.

"I'm alright-t" I said a little bit confused.

I heard a masculine voice talking to the nurse outside my room:

"Is she alright?"

"Well, she lost a lot of blood, so the first days she has to rest enough, but she will be fine." anwsered the nurse.

"Can I go in to see her?" asked the masculine voice to the nurse.

"Yes you can, depending if she's still asleep or awake." replied the nurse.

"Ok, thanks!" said the voice and I heard slow big footsteps coming closer.

A large hand reached from behind and pulled the pale green curtains open. WOW!!! Time paused... there entered a tall handsome guy. I felt my eyes popping out of my head, and I couldn't stop staring at him with my mouth wide open. His curly brown locks fell perfectly down his face, I almost drowned in those beautiful green eyes. He wore the red lifeguard suit. You could see his softly marked abs and as my eyes traveled up, you could see two little birds tattooed on both sides of his chest. His smile was adorable.Who was that good looking guy??!!

Sorry for my late update!! What do you think guys??!!! It means a lot, just tell me what you think :) My best friend is a really good writer and she helped me a lot, so THANK YOU DARLING!!! <3 With her help my story is getting better :) xxxx <3

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