Chapter 4

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I woke up of a loud sound. I analyzed the room I was in. Oh, I'm at home in my bedroom. Wait, I fell asleep in the livingroom, how did I get here? Strange.... Slowly I climbed out of my bed, but I forgot that my foot was wrapped in a white bandage. In the corner of my orange room were standing my lovely grey coloured crutches. Just in front of me was the big window. There came light through the gap between the curtains. What time is it actually?? I looked at the clock on the wall, it said 7.30 pm. I've been sleeping for almost 3 hours, and I feel a little bit better now. Hmmm... I'm hungry. I think I should go downstairs and get some toast with cheese. I grabbed the crutches and started walking to the stairs. When I was there I asked myself: How am I going to get downstairs? Let's try, what can go wrong?

Carefully I took a step, and another, and another, but then... I slipped and I knew I was gonna fall down, so as fast as possible I grabbed the banister and sat down on the stairs. The crutches fell down and I saw them at the bottom of the stairs. "CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASEE??!!" I shouted waiting for a response from somebody. I hope mum and dad are at home, otherwise I would have to stay here until they are coming home from their work. "IS THERE SOMEBODY??!" I screamed another time.

"Darling, what happened??" I heard my mum saying meanwhile she came from the kitchen. I could hear her heels on the floor *click clack click clack* She saw me sitting on the stairs. She looked at the crutches and picked them up and put then against the wall.

"Sweetheart, what's going on?" my mum said worried.

"I-I just wanted to go downstairs to get some food, and I tried, b-but I slipped and almost fell down" I said really fast in one time, almost crying.

"Calm down, I will help you, just stay there"my mum came walking upstairs.

"Give me your hand" mummie said. I gave her my hand and she pulled me up.

"Thankss mummie" and she helped me getting downstairs. I finally reached the floor and grabbed the crutches.

"Youre welcome baby!" Together we passed the livingroom and entered the kitchen. I sat down on a tabouret. My mum gave me a cup of hot tea, strawberry flavour. That's my favourite!

"What happened to your foot??!" she asked a bit worried, pointing at my foot.

"It's alright mum, I stepped on a sea urchin when I was swimming."

"A SEA URCHIN?! But how did you get to the hospital?" she asked.

"Well... a lifeguard saved me and brought me to the hospital, and there were also Tyler, Kim and Nova." I answered. "But the doctor said that I cannot go to school for a week and I have to rest a lot."

"Wow, youre lucky that there was a lifeguard, because it could end differently. I have to work this week, but I will say I have to stay with you." My mum said.

"No no no, Mama, don't worry. I'll be fine, because I will stay downstairs and after school Tyler,Kim and maybe Nova will come to give me homework."

"Youre sure? I can stay here if you want"

"Don't worry, I love you" and gave her a hug. "Now I wanna eat something, I'm starving." I stood up and opened the white fridge. I searched for the cheese and took it out. I grabbed some toast and put the cheese on it. With the toast I walked to the table and sat down. I started eating thinking of Harry. He was just so amazing, he saved my life! I finished my toast, I check my mobile and saw it was 9:00 pm. I was getting tired.

"Where's dad?"

"He had to stay longer at work to finish a project. Dad will come home late tonight, around 11:00 pm." my mum said.

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