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The first time Avi learned about soulmates was in primary school when he wrote a note to his friend on his own arm because they were out of usable pieces of paper.

It wasn't even something rude, it really was just an innocent 'booooRed', but the teacher got so mad his face turned a scary shade of red.

Until he was dragged to the dean for it, Avi had no idea what was going. He had often written notes to his friend on paper during class, why was the man so angry all of a sudden?

But the dean, too, just stared at him as if Avi had lost his mind and dragged him to the principal.

Honestly, to Avi, who got dragged through the entire school, it felt like everybody else must've lost their minds. He understood that he should pay attention in class, but that was no reason to blow up like that.

And then he sat on the chair in front of the principal's office, his body slouched further down whenever someone in the room looked at him. The longer he sat there, the more he felt like a criminal.

Though, he still didn't know what was going on.

When he was finally let in the office, he climbed on another uncomfortable chair and shifted around on it for as long as the principal let him. He had no way of hiding how awkward he felt and how scared he was.

Slowly, the principal stood up, took a pen and rounded the table before he kneeled down in front of Avi.

In the following minutes, the man calmly explained to Avi what was going on. 

He told Avi a story about a witch that enchanted a prince's skin so he could find his true love. When he found the one, the prince wanted the witch to take the curse away from him again, but she got angry at how ungrateful he was and instead cursed all of humanity. 

(That was the explanation adults gave children. The scientific reason for the strange skin condition was much more complicated and a lot of the normal population didn't really understand it either.)

Because once someone writes on their own skin, it is also displayed on their soulmate's skin and the principal was sure Avi's soulmate was probably very confused.

Later, after promising the principal to not do something like that without thinking about it again, Avi thought about making things up to his soulmate and decided to draw a nice picture for them on his tummy.




Meanwhile, a little note appeared on Adam's arm and he was overjoyed at first, but then he recognized the handwriting as something only a younger kid would write. 

Adam, by then, was already in High School.

It really dampened his mood to know he would only be able to get to know his soulmate properly once they were older. 

However, the little flowers and the sun they drew on their tummy and therefore, Adam's tummy , made him smile again. Not just because it tickled and he had to laugh during class and the teacher couldn't do anything against it, but also because the doodles looked so horrible it was funny again.

At least, Adam's little someone seemed to be a cheerful person. He liked them already.


Because there is not just a super cute height difference, but Avi is so much younger than Adam too. xD

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