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Barely audible the soft soundtrack accompanying the end of a well-known movie could be heard while the soft flickering of the TV illuminated the otherwise dark room. It was already very late, but every now and then the headlights of a car driving by shone through the living room.

The two shadows on the couch, however, didn't seem to mind. Lazily they lay cuddled together with the smaller one halfway draped atop the taller one.

Nothing but their even breaths could be heard until the credits came to an end and the DVD stopped spinning.

"I still can't believe you crashed your car because of me," a deep voice said, but the silence that followed was again interrupted by the soft chuckling of one Avi Kaplan.

The other shadow moved slightly, adjusting his beloved one to be more comfortable on his own, still hurt, body.

But that was their thing, they could snuggle together for hours on end and it was perfect.

"Have you seen the results you get when you google yourself?" Adam asked as he let his hand wander over Avi's back until it came to rest on his shoulder. "Have you ever looked in a mirror?"

Of course, Avi had seen himself in a mirror, Adam knew that but it never hurt to tell him these things. Adam loved to tell his little one just how beautiful and loved he was. And although Avi's fans always did the same, it just felt different to both of them when Adam said it.

"No reason to crash," Avi murmured, his eyes already falling shut as he couldn't help but let out a long yawn. "Why did you even google me while you were driving?"

Since they finally had met, the Internet had been going crazy. Some people were happy for Avi and some hated Adam because he meant they couldn't be with their favorite celebrity.
When Avi announced in an interview that Adam was, in fact, his soulmate, some of them calmed down and came to terms with their relationship.

"I needed a face to go with that beautiful voice from the radio," Adam answered without hesitation and a stupidly wide grin was plastered all over his face. This, Adam knew, was all he ever wanted and all the waiting and all the hurting had been worth it.

He watched Avi's stilled form and listened to his even breathing with a much softer smile than before. A warm feeling came over him as he looked at their intertwined fingers before he lifted Avi's hand to his mouth.

For a while, he stayed like that.

But then he reached out, kinda uncomfortable and only as twisted as his body allowed him to, to get a pen from their coffee table. When he came back up Avi made a soft noise and for a second Adam feared he would wake up.

Yet Avi just snuggled his face closer to Adam's chest and continued to lightly snore.

That was also when Adam took the pen in his other hand, smoothed some hair away from Avi's neck and softly pulled his shirt down for more free space. 

He had some many things he wanted to tell Avi without telling him. They ranged from a simple 'sorry' to a long-winded explanation on why they had to wait for so long, but he didn't write any of that. 

In the end, he just drew another heart on Avi's skin and waited for the familiar tickle as the same drawing appeared on his neck.


And again, thank you for being here with me. 

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