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When Avi started college he was (for some inexplicable reason) afraid of never finding his true love.

Maybe it was just stupid of him. He knew somewhere out there was someone that he could spend the rest of his life with, but sometimes that concept seemed too strange to him. 

As a kid, he had believed in the magic of soulmates, but as he grew older he realized whoever his special one was they might as well have been living halfway across the globe. That and one night he had a nightmare his soulmate might die without ever telling him their name.

He started to lose faith in ever meeting the other one that he doodled with and although Avi still drew on his skin for them, the pictures grew smaller and smaller, but no notes followed.

His soulmate never tried to talk to him. 

Avi never stopped to question why that was so, but the only person that could tell him the answer, ironically, never wrote him.

At one point in time, he had grown used to it.

Maybe it was stupid, but he swore to himself to not think about the other one during college. At least, he wanted to, but during his evening study sessions, he found himself doodling on his arm whenever he couldn't focus anymore.

And no matter how hard he tried to stop that habit, it still happened daily.

He even tried to doodle on paper instead, but he needed that for his notes and therefore, used up more and more until he one day had run out of paper... and milk.

When he noticed that, Avi cursed to himself.

With a deep sigh, he then wrote a short groceries list on his hand followed by a little 'sorry' and went out shopping.




And Adam was still waiting. He knew it probably drove his soulmate insane, but every day he told himself to just wait a little longer. Just until he could be sure the little one was an adult.

But he never was sure and so the wait turned more and more to something far too close to torture every day.

He could hardly sit still on bad days and the little drawing were the only things that kept him sane then.

Adam sighed and let himself fall on his tiny couch after he had turned the TV on.
That was when he felt the familiar tickle on his palm and his features lightened up immediately.

He jumped up again and although he still had milk, he went out to the store. Of course, he knew how slim the chance was of meeting his soulmate just like that, but he tried.

Later, when he came home with neither milk nor his soulmate, he had regained his dull mood. What had he even been thinking? His little one was doing chores and Adam was foolish enough to get his hopes up.

Without thinking (again), he reached out for a marker and then he realized that yes, his little one was responsible enough for his own household, so maybe, just maybe they would soon be able to meet.

Slowly, Adam let a bitter smile creep over his face as he drew a line around his ring finger and swore to himself it would be a promise for both of them.


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