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Three weeks after Avi had written his newest song on his skin, he heard it on the radio. The media was impressed with the amount of raw emotion he had managed to put in there without sounding too desperate and how well it meshed with his voice.

But the Internet knew better. A few people were mocking him for not simply writing his address on his arm like most other people did. 

However, Avi needed this to be special. Both he and his soulmate had waited years for each other. It was almost like a game and neither was willing to cheat. When he admitted that during an interview some people were shocked and some loved it for the sole purpose of loving and supporting him.

At one point, someone asked him why appearing on TV wasn't considered cheating, but Avi just hushed them and winked at the camera. He was just giving their love a bit of starting aid.

One week after that and during a meeting with his manager, he felt the familiar tickle of his soulmate writing on their forearm and couldn't help but smile. 

"I just heard your song on the radio!" It read in sloppy letters. It was obviously not written with his soulmate's dominant hand and he wondered what the other one was doing that he only had one hand free.

He spared a second to imagine his soulmate doing all sorts of things with his other hand but stopped himself when he remembered he was surrounded by other people.

Avi then wanted to answer but couldn't immediately find a pen around him. His manager and the rest of the band regarded him with similarly confused looks as he snatched the pen out of his manager's hand and scribbled on his own arm.

"Do you like my voice?" Avi wrote back and although he wanted to stand up and leave the room, he knew their little chat would soon end.

It always did and so he settled back, grinned at his band and waited for their manager to continue talking.

That same night when Avi's arm tickled again his soulmate apologized that they hadn't talked more but they were on a road trip and hadn't had much time. Avi then drew a little smiling sun for them.

He had waited for so long, he was sure he could bear to be apart from his soulmate just a little longer.

But then weeks passed and nothing happened. It almost felt like the whole soulmate business had never existed and although Avi drew and wrote all over his skin, every single day, he couldn't feel that tickle anymore.

"FiNd ME!" he once wrote on his chest in a fit of anger and fear as he sat alone in his apartment in the middle of the night. He felt too empty to cry and his skin was too numb to be his own.

This wasn't right. They were supposed to meet and have a happy ever after.

But the anxious feeling never left him. His band soon realized something was wrong, his fans were worried sick but all Avi could think of was the missing tickle.

And when life continued Avi wasn't ready for it. The band continued to be famous but he only stood next to them and watched.

Whenever they sang in concert Avi made sure to sing loud and proud in hope of his soulmate still being there for him. His song, no, their song was his highlight of every show.

But during the meet and greets, he didn't feel as alive as on stage.

With a sour mood and a bitter smile he watched Scott and Mitch talk to their fans while Kevin and Kirstie signed whatever they were asked to sign.

And he just sat in a corner with a pen in his hand and and a bitter smile on his lips. He would sign what fans wanted him to sign, but so far nobody had approached him.

They knew something was wrong. He knew something was wrong, but when he glanced at the fading ink ring on his finger he didn't want to find out what had happened.

And then a man, older than Avi with long blonde hair and a broken leg sat down next to him. This wasn't a private place, literally anybody could have walked in here and get themselves a coffee, but something was different about this guy.

For all Avi knew the man had probably been involved in an accident of some sorts. The man's hand was covered in bandages and although Avi didn't knew why he wanted to see the man's skin.

The man's left hand however was free and had tiny scribbled letters on it. For a while Avi just stared at the note and although he knew it was rude, he couldn't look away.

Avi wasn't blind, he knew the man was gorgeous and for some reason he had no problem imagining the man naked and without injuries.

That just felt right.

But when the man noticed Avi's stare he leaned over, took Avi's pen out of his hand and began to fill Avi's ink ring again which was on his right hand. It was only then that Avi noticed the scribble on his other hand that matched the one the man had.

"Found you," it read and then seconds later, when the man scribbled on his skin a "sorry for the wait" appeared on Avi's hand.


That's it, you guys. 

That's the official end of 'SCRIBBLING'.

I'm so so glad, you guys came on this journey with me to explore the soulmate thingy and this ship which really is growing on me and I'm loving it a lot. (Just like I love you guys.) ❤

Stay tuned for a short bonus chapter which  is just as a little thank you (and because I always stop the story before they get together properly.)

Vote and comment if you liked this and I'll see you... idk probably in the next project?

Mel. 😘

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