Chapter 4

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I placed my hand on another branch then hoisted myself up to place my foot on the same branch.
The tree indeed was big and wide but don't take it farther than a tree. It was one of the most biggest oak tree I have ever seen. The branches were thick and dark brown and they kept my weight as I climbed higher and higher. The branches spread out wide but I decided to stay in the middle. My arms and legs pained me especially my knuckles.
I sighed as the pain in my head increased and throbbed. I quickly reached the top in a matter of minutes, much quicker than I thought I would.

At the top I took in the beautiful scenery. The jungle was thick and, of course, filled with greenery. Out in the distance I saw a mountain with a river flowing from it. The river separated into many tributaries.
I turned to my left to see the main road not too far and the city in the distance. I spun around to my right to surprisingly see the sea. I smiled.

It was all so beautiful and I completely forgot I had a life until I saw Marion, my twin brother, coming toward the tree.
I sighed.

Can't y'all leave me alone?

He started to climb up the tree to join me. When he was finally at the top he said,

"I thought I'd find you up here"

"Why is that?" I asked

"Cause, this is what you do when you get tired, frustrated and flustered; climb a tree" he explained.

I looked at him. My identical twin, mirroring me in a boy way. His blue eyes looked me in the eye. His short brown hair flew with the wind.

I looked back at the sea and said,

"Why are you up here?"

"Thought you needed some company" he replied

I nodded my head.
"You thought I needed some company. Marion, you know I'm better off by myself"

"Don't hide the pain, Marian"

"Hide the pain. Which pain? We all bare the pain everyday and sleep with it at night. There's nothing to hide." I paused and closed my eyes then said silently "Nothing at all"

Marion went silent for a moment then said,

"Don't act this wa-"

"This is why I don't want to talk about it. All you show me is pity! I don't want it!" I started back down the tree "Leave me alone"

I climbed down the tree and walked down the familiar path down to a cave I had decided to avoid.


I entered the mouth of the cave to find only a few inches from the mouth was clear of rocks and stones.

What happened?

I squatted down and played the memory over and over in my head.
I love Sci-fi books and movies and this seemed to blend right into it. Powers.

Powers? I don't got no powers.

Then explain how comes you're standing right here, breathing and in one piece.

Point taken.

I continued to have a debate with my mind and decided to investigate.
I walked closer inside and touched a rock blocking up most of the path.
I tingle went up and down my back.
I could have probably been right here. Under the rock, dead and flat like a pancake.

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