Chapter 11

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Surprisingly we were allowed back at the mine site. And we went back gladly.
My mother had said we needed to finish what he started. And that's we started back up again.

In a short time, the plants grew back and everything seemed normal enough.
Also surprisingly more people came to help. I believe the pastor had something to do with it.
Some things changed. Instead of a summer project to pass time it turned into a some kind of spiritual uplifting programme. Now every night they sing, read and pray together. I became sick after the first night.

With whatever they found they sold and used the money for the needy and not for the programme itself.

I was not interested. I wasn't in the mood for talking to God much less praising him.
I threw away everything religious I had and buried my bible. Or at least going to bury my bible.

Right now around a camp fire they're singing, while I'm on my way to bury my bible at a place that's still a mystery to me. When I'm done burying the thing I would go to investigate the cave I nearly died at a month ago.

I had finally pulled myself together. I tried to heal my heart. Note, I said tried. It was so hard. Especially that I was crying all the time.

I involved myself more with the project and the digging and the people. Claire and I got closer. But Marion and I got farther apart.
My mother seemed a little bit distant.

The suspicion that the fire wasn't a mistake was still up and they were still investigating it and so was I. I hadn't seen Carlton. And I know if I did, I would rip him apart.

But his father came around often. That bothered me.

I had slept more than I ever had in my life. I found out I had skills in art and the sky interested me more often.
Another reason I was outside. I was gazing at the sky.
The stars were beautiful, shining and glistening in the darkness.

Another thing that caught my attention was the half moon. It was so bright and yellow and quite huge. I could still see the other half.

Its very disturbing that the world, science and physics continued to continue its path, its journey when so many priceless people died. It continued like nothing happened.
A sigh escaped my lips.

It was so depressing. I missed them. Even if I had known some for a few minutes. But those minutes were the last minutes if their life. They had to be cherished.

They're gone. All gone. And I'm alone.

Kyle's face came up in my mind. I smiled. He had my back through everything, all the time. I had gotten to know him more and he wasn't bad.
I believe a crush was beginning to form.

Maybe I wasn't alone but there was just a empty hole feeling in my heart. It needed to be filled.

What's wrong with God? Can't he help me?

I knew my faith was disappearing. I couldn't believe anymore. What I thought I believed seemed so foolish. I'm not saying he doesn't exist, then who made the world? I'm saying he's completely ignoring us. He must hate us. He has to.

I shook my head.

Stop thinking about that.

I looked down from the sky and there was the cave, yellow tape taped around the entrance.

I stepped forward and looked around.
The scene with Carlton flashed through my mind. Fear spread through me like wildfire.

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