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I woke up from Sonys house last night and she wasn't in there. I walked downstairs to see jungkook and Sony sitting there talking about something. They immediately stopped talking as soon as they noticed me talking down the stairs 
"Good morning sunshine" says a happy Sony. "Uh hey" I say still half asleep. Jungkook is still staring at me like Leo and his Oscar. I start to feel awkward around them so I go back upstairs. Why are they acting like this??

I get dressed in a t shirt and ripped jeans along with white converse and run downstairs to the siblings and join in on their conversation.

"So uh what do you want to do today kookie" asked Sony
Jungkook looked very confused
but finally caught up on what his sister was saying. "Ohhh yea lets go to the amusement park" Sony agreed and grabbed her bag. Kookie took their mom and dads keys and and went to the car. I followed kookie and Sony was trailing behind.

We got in the car and kookie decided to play the songs on their music album "skool luv affair"

I sat with Sony in the back while kookie drove.
"You know it's kind of lonely up here. Maybe you want to scoot up a little" says kookie as he looks at us through the rear view mirror. Sony and I make our way up closer to him and talk about random crap until we got to the park. We got to the park and Sony instantly pulls me to a ride. Kookie sits on a bench because he was terrified of rides. I tried to get him to ride one but he was frightened little baby.

At around 10:00pm we were leaving with all of our stuff we won and our food. We were all laughing and having a blast like teenagers should. We park in the Jeons driveway and Sony had to go drop all of our things off at their house. I get out of the car and walk until I hear a voice from the car,
"you know you can stay in here, she'll be right back" says the kookie with his soft and attractive voice.
"I know I just figured she needed help" but he cut me off," it's fine, you can sit in the passenger seat until she comes back". I walk in the car and sit there awkwardly. Jungkook intertwines his fingers with mine and all of a sudden we are holding hands. "You know I like you right",says a scared jungkook,"but we can't tell Sony because she will freak out". I look at him and he is staring into my soul. "Hana, you know you're very gorgeous right now" he leans in and kisses me. I was shocked at first that he would actually be like this but I finally got the hang of it. Jungkooks Kiss was very passionate and caring. He really does like me and meant it.
The kiss lasted until he let go because of Sonys text saying she needs help. "I'm sorry sweetie but I have to go help your best friend". My hand felt Cold after he let go. I really wanted him to kiss me again. God why is this boy so addicting!? I wait there until they come back deciding it's late and that we won't go anywhere else.

Later we all get dressed for bed and watched a movie. That night I slept on the couch as I feel a pair of hands wrapped around my waist.

"Oh my god jungkook what is wrong with you?! Your sister can catch us",He smirks," she's a heavy sleeper she won't catch us." He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room. I lay in his bed on the side opposite from the door, just in case Sony comes looking, and snuggle against his pillows and drift to sleep as kookie crawls behind me and cuddles me until the morning.

•best friends brother• {fanfic for @onlyherefofanfics}Where stories live. Discover now