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I woke up that morning on the couch again. I remember it like it was yesterday so I mean it wasn't a dream. Did I sleepwalk? Was I just too tired to remember it? I don't know anymore. I'll just ask jungkook.

I go into his room and he's asleep. I decide to lay beside him and wait. I let him sleep for 30 minutes and then I woke him up. I leaned my head close to his face and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Kookie~ i know you're awake" I say. I see him pretending to sleep so I kiss him again. "Koooookie~~ if you don't wake up, I will kiss you again" he remained asleep. I placed my hand on his chest and circled my finger. "Baaaabbe" I cooed in his ear. I lowered me hand to his stomach and I start to tickle him. He smiled with his bunny teeth and started squirming around. "Okay okay, I'm sorry, I'm awake hehehehe stop" says the jittery jungkook.
He grabs my hands from tickling him and kisses me still holding on to my wrists.

"Wow, you should probably wake me up more often" he says and smirks. I lean in and kiss him again. I then heard footsteps outside. I place a finger over his lips and whisper "remember, we have to hide this from Sony, she'll kill me." He took the finger off of his mouth and says "I'll be right back" he walks out of the room still in only pjs showing his toned abs and beautiful bed head. He was absolutely good looking in the mornings! He goes to talk to Sony and I pretend to walk out of the bathroom like nothing ever happened.

~so sorry that this chapter was short, I had nothing else in mind but I hope you like it Hana~

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