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*everything is fictional*
I imagine Justine Skye as Zaria.
Song: The World is Yours, by Nas


The look of the night sky intrigued me. How the colors were mixed together and how the clouds were sprawled out, without a care in the world.

The weather was chilly, with a light breeze. I kept walking down the sidewalk to the apartment complexes.

Before you make assumptions, no I don't live in the hood. The dangerous part of town is pretty far from here. I live in a decent black community. Not too many problems are made around here. You may see a couple homeless citizens here and then, but other then that, this place is pretty normal.


I looked to the middle aged woman standing on the side of the complex. She had bags under her eyes, probably from the lack of sleep. Eyes were bloodshot, chapped lips and hair in a small Afro.

"Hey Georgia." I greeted her. She was one of the homeless people hanging around here.

"Can you spare some change?" She asked shivering. She only had on a dirtied pink t-shirt and tattered black pants. Just looking at her this way breaks my heart.

I dug through my purse to find ten bucks.

"Promise me this isn't for drugs, but for some food, or possibly some clothes." I asked handing it to her.

She smiled a toothy grin and nodded. "Take care of yourself alright?"I said. She kept walking into an alley. She kept me wondering what she was really going to do.

I sighed and went into the building. I went up the steps and finally made it to the fifth floor. I ran through the hall and headed straight to apartment 502.

The key unlocked the door and once opened, pure darkness was all I saw. I turned on the switch, and closed the door behind me. I dropped my bad by the coat rack, and went straight to my room.

No one was ever really home. Remember the bad side of town I was talking about? Yeah, my aunt owns a bar down there. The long hours she works, I never really got to see her.

Why would she own a bar you might ask. Well down on the south side, it's where all the druggies, alcoholics, and gangsters usually go. You can only think how much money she makes off of them.

It's really amazing.

But I'd never go there, for anything at all. Going there would be definite suicide. Cause trouble, you're automatically a threat. And we don't need anyone else dying around here.

I turned on the lamp on my nightstand, and looked through my drawer to find pajamas. Once I found them, I slipped them on and went to go brush my teeth.

I went to go find my speaker and connect it with my phone. I wanted to listen to some Nas before I go to bed.

The bass rung through my room and filled the apartment with a lyrical mastermind. I closed my eyes to the sound of his voice.

"The world is yours.."


First chapter, whatcha think. They'll be a little short but then gradually will get longer. Vote and Comment. I want at least 10 votes in order to post next chapter :)

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