Midnight thoughts.

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The first thing I'd like to publish on this 'book' is quite personal to me and means a lot. 

Last night something happened. Last night I wasn't myself. And last night I probably ruined the one thing I depend on.

I said things that may of been true yet the response I got from them was definitely not what I wanted. Are you not supposed to be able to tell that one person that you care about the most anything and everything without having to worry about the rejection? 

Sometimes you can, and others you hope for the best yet is goes for the worst. 

When you first find the person that makes you feel incredible you don't notice any bad things about them. You're so happy that you just ignore it and it's sometimes good to live happily ignorant, until it comes and bites you in the backside. 

What do you do when other people, friends, not even close friends know more about you than that one person? You can't just ignore it, can't just let it be and see what happens. But what if you confront it and it just.. collapses?

There are many things that we just don't say, that we just don't think are important enough. But it's those things that eat us up at night when we're all alone. It's those things that makes us paranoid, insecure.. Afraid. 

What to do when you would rather hide away these things? What to do when you'd rather bottle everything up and pray it doesn't explode?

I'm not perfect. i've made my mistakes but i've always done my best to make up for them and that.. that is what makes me a good person. 

So for those who i have hurt, i apologize. 

For those I have caused pain and suffering, I apologize immensely. 

Because i am Me. And i may not be perfect, I may not be amazing. But i am my own person with mistakes and troubles. 

Lo siento, mi amor. Te pido disculpas con toda mi corazon. 


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