Chapter 1.

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Gracie's POV.
It was the start of the zombie apocalypse and I just lost my whole family I'm with this girl named clementine she is really silent she has said a few words about this guy named lee but not much and I don't push it.
Clementine: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah just a little shaken.
Clementine: Oh.
Me: Why don't you like to talk about lee?
Clementine: I think I see a house in the distance.
We walked we went in and killed three walkers. I was 14 and clementine was also 14. We met in Savannah she was alone with a baby and he got taken by a group.
Me: If you tell me who lee is ill tell you a secret.
Clementine: Please stop.
Me: Sorry. I need to- I don't know ummm.
Clementine: Just tell me.
Me: I can't.
Clementine: Oh.
Me: Is lee completely dead.
Clementine: No...
Me: Where is he dead at?
Clementine: It doesn't matter
Me: Oh well good night.
I walked up stairs and clementine went to her room. I sat on the bed and then stood up angry.
Me: They should have listened! Then they would be alive! But no! Who do you think you are you just left me!
I punched the wall. 
Me: Assholes...
I woke up. I walked downstairs and grabbed a biscuit.
Clementine: He protected me and I got him killed.
Me: Excuse me?
Clementine: Don't come near me everyone I love dies. Everyone I touch.
Me: Clem?
She fell to the ground.
Me: My mom committed suicide when he best friend got killed by a killer.
Clementine: I'm sorry. What was the killers name?
Me: Lee Everett.
Clementines eyes widened.
Clementine: That's my lee.
Me: Clem I'm so sorry. Is he completely dead?
Clementine: No. I couldn't shoot him.
Me: Cmon I can save him. How far is he?
Clementine: Like five minutes from here. I think.
Me: Let's go.
Me: Clem?
Clementine: Yes?
Me: Never mind.
Clementine: We are here.
I pushed the door open to see a zombie by a heater.
Me: Is that-
Clementine: Yes.
She was crying.
I kneeled down to him and grabbed a string and my knife.
Clementine: Please don't kill him.
I pushed the knife in my skin but not deep and held lees head back. I removed the knife and was bleeding the tiniest bit I put the blood on my finger and put it in Lee's zombie bite.
Me: We will return tomorrow.

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