Chaptet 5.

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Lee: We should probably go somewhere smaller.
Me: Yeah okay.
Kenny: Let's head to mcdonalds.
Me: Fine.
Lee: Alright let's go.
Me: If I see one damn walker I swear...
Clem: Calm down...
Lee: Alright I'll go check the kitchen why don't you guys go freshen up.
Clem: I'll stick with you.
Lee: Alright. Gracie?
Me: Bathroom.
Lee: Kenny?
Kenny: Bathroom.
I walked to the bathroom. I sat on the floor and saw a plug. I hear they got solar power. I plugged it in. I got a bunch of texts from my friends.
Abby: Are you still alive???
Please answer!!!
Pls don't be dead.

Mackie: You okay?

Thomas: I miss you fwend! Text me if you okay.

I read through them as I got a new one.

Abby: If you don't answer this I will believe you are dead.
Me: I'm fine.
Abby: Oh my god! Your still alive. Shit!
I smiled at that.
Me: Yeah. Good to see you are okay.
Abby: What can I say I'm a bad kid.
Me: Wow. Where are you?
Abby: Alone.
Me: Abby?
Abby: Call me?
Me: Yeah sure.  L

I put in her number.
Abby: H-hello?
Me: Hi!
Then I heard Lee yell.
Abby: Gracie! What's happening?!?
Me: Hold on.
I heard the mumbles of walkers. Lots of them.
Me: Shit.
Abby: Are you okay.
There was scratching on the bathroom door and then gunshots.
I grabbed my phone and went into a stall and locked the door.
Me: Walkers...
Abby: What?
Me: Walkers Abby. They are here. A bunch of them!
Abby: Shit where are you I'll come.
Me: No don't. You will die.
Abby: I can't let you die!
Me: I won't be one of them. But I'll fight if it gets to hard a bullet with go into my head.
Abby: No!
There were more gunfire. Then knocking.
???: We know you are in there come out.
Abby: What's happening?
Me: Not sure.
???: Hello?
???: Come out now.
Me: Abby I have to go.
Abby: What?
Me: Bye.
I hung up grabbed my charger and opened the door.
Me: LEE?!?
???: Who is Lee.
Me: CLEM?!?
???: The fuck?
Me: They left me. After I shared my pain? Asses.
???: You got a name?
Me: If you do I do.
My phone started ringing I just ignored it.
???: Hey! Name! Now.
Me: No.
I walked out the door when something grabbed my arm and I yelped in pain.
???: Name.
Me: Gracie now let go. I have to go find my group.
But just then Kenny walked out with his shot gun. I ran to his side.
???: Lower the gun.
Me: Kenny? Do it.
He lowered the gun.
Me: Name?
???: Rick.

It never last. (The walking dead fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora