Chapter 7.

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Clementine's POV.
I was so pissed off at Lee. I just wanted to find Gracie. She was my best friend.

Lee then came outside.
Lee: Alright let's go.

We got into Kenny's truck and while we were leaving I noticed Gracie's car was still there.

I was really going to miss her. Tonight I'm going to sneak out and find her. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Gracie's POV.
Me: So Carl. What's your story?
Carl: What do you mean?
Me: How did you end up here? With this group?
Carl: I just followed my mom.

I smiled at his answer and put my head on his shoulder.

Carl: What about you?
Me: My story?
Carl: Yeah...
Me: Do we have to talk about it?
Carl: Not if you don't want to.
Me: Listen Carl...I really like you...its just I'm not really comfortable telling my story.
Carl: It's cool. Don't worry about it.

I lay my head on his shoulder once again.

Carl's POV.
I had huge feeling for Gracie. I don't even know where they came from I literally just met her maybe and hour ago. Not even that. I guess it was love at first sight.

I should tell her that I like her but she might not like me back. I need to give it time. If I start to feel that she likes me then I'll tell her.

But in till then I'm going to keep my mouth shut.

Lee's POV.
I hated having Clementine mad at me. It made me feel shame and guilt. Tonight I'm going out to search for Gracie. I will go out at twelve while everyone is sleeping. I mean what could go wrong?

Kenny's POV.
I felt really bad for Lee so I decided to help him. Tonight at twelve while everyone is sleeping I'm going to sneak out and find Gracie.

Plus me and Gracie need to talk about her language. She totally roasted me earlier. But she can't know that and I can't let it happen again.

Like me roasted? No. It's just not right. I'm the badass. Whatever I need to focus on the road.

I love my eyes back up to the road and I hit a walked.

Me: Shit!
Clem: Nice driving dumbass.

Damnet roasted again.

Me: Shut the fuck up.

I say and Lee is quietly laughing.

Me: What's so funny?
Lee: You just got burned by Clem.
Me: Did not!
Clem: Yeah. You kind of did.
Me: Clem, don't encourage him!
Clem: Fine...
Me: Thank you.
Clem: Sike!
Me: Clem! This is bullying.
Lee: Clem don't bully Kenny.
Clem: But it's funny.
Me: Is not!
Clem: Is too!
Me: Is not!
Lee: Guys! Just chill this roasting game has gotten out of control.
Clem: Sorry...

I stop driving and pull over.

Me: Where exactly are we going.

We all stop and laugh.

Lee: I think we were going to Clementine's house.
Me: Then Lee you drive. I don't know the way.
Lee: Neither do I.
Clem: Let's just go to that house and we can figure this out tomorrow.

We all agree on that and go inside. While they are getting ready for bed I get ready to sneak out.

Clementine's POV.
I was getting ready to go out. I was going to find Gracie tonight while they sleep like baby's.

I mean sure I will be tired in the morning but it's cool.

Lee's POV.
I grabbed my stuff and by my stuff I mean my gun and trusty axe. Oh yeah I still have it. Kenny recently returned it.

I felt like I was not the only one going out but I shook the feeling off and turned off my flashlight so it looked like I was going to sleep.

It never last. (The walking dead fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora