Going In

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Sam loved to hang out with her friends and liked going to school which is strange for kids her age. Nobody said anything about her love for school or the fact that she was rather different than all the other kids in the neighborhood. Sam would rather spend her days up in her room where nobody could or would bother her than going out and playing with the other kids. She would spend all her summer days like this and nobody would question a thing. It had been a normal year up until a week before Sam's fifteenth birthday then things started to get weird. Sam started planning a trip for her birthday and nobody knew what she was doing up in her room all by herself. She wasn't planning on going across town or even across state, she was planning a trip across dimensions and this very trip was one that she had to take alone.

A week of planning, counting, tracking and learning go by and its Sam's birthday, she is turning fifteen. The day started off like any other day Sam woke up to the bright yellow morning sun. Going down for breakfast she is greeted with a bunch of hugging, kissing, and gift giving but that September evening everything would be anything but normal. After breakfast she invited her friends over and they had lunch and played games. But as quickly at her day started she wanted it to end as fast. After she was done spending time with her family and friends everyone goes home which tells Sam that its time for her trip. She runs up to her room closes the door and starts writing a letter for her parents in case they come check on her.

Normally at this time Sam would turn on her radio and listen to Today's Greatest Hits but today she wouldn't. She sat on her bed and finished the letter that she will leave behind for her parents.Sam lays the letter on her bed once she is finished writing it she then lays down, gets as comfortable as possible, and relaxes because if she isn't relaxed this won't work. Sam let her body go numb while keeping her spirit awake and crossed over to the astral plane. Her parents finally notice that there is something different, they don't hear music, so they go to Sam's room to check on her. To their surprise they find Sam lying on her bed motionless. While looking at their baby girl they find her note that reads:

Dear Mother and Father,

I first want to thank you for the amazing birthday party i had and for allowing all of my friends over. I thank you for all the tings you do for our family. Now i want to address what you are seeing on my bed. My body lies here awaiting my return. Return from where you might ask, that is whats going to be so hard to explain.

I am in a different dimension and i will be back. Why, you may ask, because you always told me to help people but i never knew how until a week ago when i started planning this trip. You see i learned that by doing this thing i can help people who need it the most and i could help them get closure.

See my body is asleep but my mind is still wide awake and don't worry i didn't come here alone. I have a follower, a friend, and a protector he is a spirit that i met when i was 10 and he has stayed. I am traveling this dimension with him and we are helping all the people that we can before i have to come back. He will get me back to my body without harm don't worry.


Your daughter Sam

Reading this Sam's mother gets scared and starts panicking but her father is just fine. What Sam's father never told her or her mother is that he had done the same thing when he was younger and he knows exactly who that friendly spirit is. Sam's fathers name is Nathan and he once traveled with the same friendly spirit his daughter is but now he has to tell his wife. How will she feel if she finds out i have done the same thing he thought now is not the time to think about the concequences, i have to tell her.

Into the Astral PlaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora