The Search

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Without her friend and guide through the Astral plane Sam became scared. While she was trembling with fear she thought, I need to find John so i can get out of here. Not knowing where to look for John first Sam aimlessly wandered around until she found someone in need, a father, who reminded her that other people have it worse off. This man was trying to put together a crib for his unborn child.

"Hey I see you are having a bit of trouble, do you mind if I help you," Sam asked. The man looks up from the pile of hardware and says, "Oh, that would be wonderful thank you so much." So she walked over and picked up the instructions which were in a different language. After figuring out what they said Sam said, "Oh there is the problem you have the headboard and foot board on backwards." Looking at his noticeable flaw the man blushes and said, "Oh god haha i can be so dumb sometimes, Thank you for helping me!"

After helping him she says goodbye and wanders off looking for John who she can hear screaming in the distance. She heads in his direction but gets stopped again by another person who needs help. This time it is an old lady. Sam walks over to her and the woman says, "Hey dear, would you mind helping an old lady hang up a few pictures and lights?" "Yes mam I would love to help you," she said. 

Sam picked up one of the many pictures the old lady wanted hung up and she looked at it and teared up. This was a picture of her and what she can only assume to be her grandson. Her grandson looked just like her dad when he was young. Sam took the picture along with the rest and put them up on the wall. She then helped the old lady put christmas lights up in her house. 

"Why are we putting up christmas lights," Sam asked curiously. " You see when i was younger i used to love looking at the stars but these days i cant go outside so i wanted to make my own," the old woman responded "I have always wanted to be an astronomer." When Sam was done helping the old lady she gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye.

Again Sam was off following the voice of her friend and guide. She ended up in a rather large room looking around and listening for the sound of John. Sadly she did not hear him anymore which made her questioning herself. Was she hearing his this whole time or was she imagining it? All of a sudden Sam heard a familiar voice and turned around. To her surprise it was young Nathan standing behind her. Why is he back here?

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