A Widowed Mother

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Before I start this chapter I would just like to thank you for the views


Sam looks up and finds herself outside of someone's house and walks up to the door of this brick house and knocks. A young woman, maybe twenty-five years old, who is struggling to hold her two year old answers the door, "Yes, can I help you?"

Sam thinking she could help says, "No, but I can help you, May I come in?" The lady puts her child on the couch, lets her in, and apologises for the mess and the screaming children. "It's alright mam, I do believe you need help paying bills and buying food."

Shocked and ashamed the lady started crying, thinking How does she know i need help with money this strange, but through her tears she says, "Yes I do, my husband and I used to make enough to get by until he died in war." Again Sam looks down and from head to toe she was wearing a soldier's uniform.

This time in one of her pockets was a letter and a check for $1,500. She pulled both out of her pocket and handed it to the widowed mother, "This letter is from your husband he wanted me to give this to you if he didn't make it back and this check is from me and my family."

Not knowing what to say the mother took both the letter and the check then hugged Sam, "Thank you, I don't know how I will ever repay you," she said. Sam replied, "No need to thank me ma'am I am just doing what's right and helping the people who need it," and like a leaf in the wind Sam was gone.

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