The sad Truth

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Once Sam got into the astral plane and her friendly spirit friend was there they started looking around. To Sam's surprise it looks like she never left her room, she didn't know what to expect from now on. While looking around she sees a hospital with only one light on so she walks into the front doors and goes up to the third floor where she saw the light.

She walks around for a while until she finally finds the room she saw which had a light on. She walks up to the door way, I wonder if i do something here will it impact someone in the real world, she thought. As she pushed the door to the hospital room open she sees and old man and as she opens the door more she sees an old woman.

Suddenly Sam feels as though she knows these people and what they are going through. The man is dying of ALS at the age of 86 and the woman is dying of cancer at the age of 74. How do I know these things, she thought. She walked in the room and sat between the beds in a chair that was folded in the corner.

The man in the first bed looks at her and asks, "Why are you here?" It takes Sam a minute to reply, "I am here for your son who can't be here." Where did that come from she thought I don't know these people and I definitely don't know if they have a son i mean how could I?

The man's eyes tear up as he looks to his wife in the next bed and smiles. The woman looks at Sam, "how did you know our son?" How did I know their son she thought, how? "We used to be friends back in the war, mam," said Sam full of confidence "We use to be really close and i wouldn't trade it for the world."

Back in the war? What am I thinking I don't know this guy. At that moment both the old man and woman were tearing up. "He was a great soldier, son, and friend," said the woman "he was also a very loving man and would have done anything for anyone." Sitting in the chair Sam took one of each of their hands and held them. They are going to go soon i can feel it she thought as she was half way to tears.

As She was sitting there holding their hands he realised they reminded her of her own grandparents. Why do i have to cry i don't even know these people she thought. Just as Sam was about to say something to the old couple they both looked at each other said I love you and i will see you on the other side. Sam's eyes teared up she wasn't ready for them to go. She said, "Thank you for letting me be here to say good bye." and the old couple passed. Sam got teleported out of the hospital to a driveway outside a house.

Into the Astral PlaneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz