Time Travel?

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Where am i now? I can't see a thing, its so dark, Sam thought. She looked beside her to see her friend John was letting of a small amount of light, just enough to see that she wasn't alone. "John what are those things," she said. John looked around and saw them to, what they were and what they wanted he didn't know. These dark things were getting closer which was dimming Johns light.

Sam turned around to look behind her but she couldn't see. Where did the light John was emitting go, thought sam as she turned around again, Where did John go? While she was turned around the dark figures had taken John leaving her alone in the dark. Being scared and alone Sam walks around, arms stretched out looking for a light. It feels like she has been walking for hours when finally she feels a door. Sam grabs the door knob and turns it to open the door. It opens revealing a street lined with lights and at the end there was a crying child. Going through the door she realizes she must now do this on her own and find John again.

The child crying at the end of the street looks up and says to Sam, " You will never find him, they took him away and he will never return." Was this kid talking about John? How did he know i was searching for someone? Sam thought to herself. " There is no point trying to find him they will just capture you too," said the little boy. Who is this little boy and why is he talking to me and how does he know what is happening, Sam thought. "Who are you," she asked the little boy. He looks up from the ground to where Sam is standing and says, "My name is Nathan."

Could this be who she thinks it is? No, it can't be. "Was he your friend," Sam asks. If this is who i think it is then not only would i have successfully went into another Dimension but also time traveled, sam thinks. Nathan looks at Sam, "yeah, he is we planned to meet in here and we didn't even get to see each other for 5 minutes before something came and took him," he said crying. "Is his name John by any chance," she asked feeling weird about the whole situation. Being curious as to how she knew his friends name Nathan says," yes."

Sam and Nathan were now both sitting next to each other on the sidewalk at the end of the street. "Would you like me to find him," said Sam. Thinking Sam was crazy for wanting to find his friend Nathan said, "That would be a crazy adventure but i wouldn't they could take you too like i said earlier." Thinking about ways to find John, Sam completely ignored what Nathan just said. "Well i am going to get out of here before something bad happens to me too," said Nathan, "Bye."

After Nathan left to go back to the real world Sam was left sitting by herself on the street. Not knowing what to do or how to find her friend she just sat there. I time traveled to the past, she thought, How is that possible when i am not even in the real world but in and alternate dimension? After asking herself many questions about what just happened Sam realized she was back in the dark area with a little light emiting from John. What is going on, she thought. Soon after she realized where she was she looked behind her, turned back and John was gone. Was this the big mission she had to face? Was the Time travel just a warning?

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