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**Author's Note**

This story is a figment of my wild imagination.If u are part of any of these four fandoms u will know why I chose to put these four together in my story.
Everything is pure fiction. U are free to speak your minds and give suggestions in the comments section as long ad you are sensitive to the feelings of your fellow readers too. Please don't start fandom wars on this, we are all friends here,so just try and enjoy the read. Also no stealing from any of these stories and please don't plagiarize. Last but not the least, I love all four of these artists, and again it's just fiction, so happy reading.

~So It begins ~

"Thanks again for helping me with my enunciation Charlie, you are a life saver",says Selena and she gives me a hug.

I put my arms around her and my nose was buried in her hair. She smelled of something that vaguely reminded me of spring fields in bloom.

She pulls away and laughs.

"If this was anyone else I'd be really embarrased. A senior getting technique help from a junior , but with u there's no shame."

I smile back.

"U know there's no need for formalities, Selena. I mean cmon we have been friends for awhile now."

"That's exactly why I feel no shame and u are 'technically' better at this whole production thingy. Wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two off u for free now, right?", she says winking.

My heart sortof flutters.

"I'm going to be late for dance class,Courtney will kill me if I keep her waiting. Bye, gta run. Il text u later."

She gives me a final hug and runs off in the direction of the dance studio.

I watch her go and before I could do anything else I feel a hand on my back.
"What are u doing here,Charlie?"

I turn around and it's my best friend Meghan. I give her a warm smile.

"Nothing, Selena asked me if I could help her with some singing techniques,so we just finished and I was about to go back to the dorm."

"Oh that's why u weren't in the last class. So u were with her this whole time?"

"Mmh yeah,why?"

"Nothing",Meghan goes quiet.

"Hey u guys wana grab a bite to eat?"

We both turn and see Emmy,Meghan's other bestie walking to us.

"Its ok, u guys go on. I already ate with Selena. I have a bunch of notes to catch up on too,so see u guys later". I smile and make my way back to my dorm.

Meghan's POV

"Well I tried. But he apparently already 'ate with Selena',says Emmy. "He hardly ever hangs out with us anymore, it's all SELENA now"

"Lay off Emmy, he has his own things to deal with. And it's good of him to be helping her. That's what friends do"

"Yeah 'friends',but from the way he's been acting around her I'd say he's love sick",Emmy.

That instantly sents a stab of jealousy and hurt to my heart.

"And how would u know that!?", I ask sortof annoyed.

"Because that's the same way u act around Charlie!",Emmy.

Ok wow, shots fired.

I just look at her stunned, shake my head and keep walking.

"Dont even deny it honey, I'm your bestie. I see right through you."

And that's why I didn't even bother to say anything back to that cos I knew it was true.

If Emmy could figure it out why couldn't Charlie!

"Girl, you better bring out your A game because u have strong competition."

I just listen and keep walking, without really saying much.

She's right, IF Charlie did like Selena then I had to compete with her.

The gorgeous, senior with an acting and singing career that's already been in the business for awhile.

I'm just starting to get the handle of all this fame and stuff, could I really compete?

Mayb I should just give up now.

'No,Meghan Trainor U are not a quitter,that's not how your were raised',my mind fights back.

We finally reach the cafeteria, and I sit down and Iv made up my mind.

"If this is a competition, then Im in. I will not chicken out and atleast il know I tried."

"That's the spirit",Emmy beams.

Besides u don't give up on people u love. Atleast not without trying first.

(Depending on the votes and feedbacks I'l decide whether to continue this story or not. If it gets 12 votes and a decent amount of comments,il do the next part. So do vote and comment to let me know.)


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