The beginning

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Selena's POV

"Ok fellow PIFians,as the main representator and co captain of the team that will represent our college in this year's ICA championships, firstly I just want to say that I'm happy u all elected me to this post. All fifty of u gathered here are the best of the best we have in this institutite, so to have u put your belief in me is a huge compliment to me."

"I know not all of u would be participating in this tournament, but with all our combined efforts I strongly believe that each person in this room will able to contribute to us winning the title this year. So hope majority of u will partake in this."

"I know since this year is the golden jubilee of our prestigious institution, winning this would be a golden feather on our already full cap. And also since I'm graduating this year I'd like to go out in style, so we better win this thing!"

"And I'm willing to work and stand by u guys through it all so that we bring it home. So what do u say guys!?"

I'm answered by thundering applause as I looked out from the stage to the fifty people I had just addressed. It felt crazy.

When I first walked in here as a freshman I'd only just started my career even though it was a huge start.

But I'd still had confidence issues with being on stage and performing. But these three years had really transformed me.

I don't think I could have been confident to speak or take a post like this back then.

I looked down and saw Charlie smiling brightly and still cheering me on. I couldn't help but smile back.

He was a year younger than me in school, and was one of the few juniors I was close to and hung out with.

Because he was different.

Most people on campus just wanted to be my friend cos of who I already was and I knew it whenever I met people like that.

But not him,he was like I said,different.

We vibed well and I knew he had no bad intentions as far as I'm concerned so I considered him a dear and close friend.

"I also want to say that my co captain,u all know who, is busy currently on tour and he will be joining us after the first set of competitions."

"Iv also picked out one of my vice captains,who will also be a voice coach and stage presentation analyzer. So say hi to Charlie Puth everyone."

More applause while Charlie stood up and did a goofy bow. I smiled again.

He was one of the 'popular' juniors cos he was just soo likeable.

Boyish good looks and a smooth voice that could make u feel all sortsof things.

Well who would be surprised.

"I need one more person for the vice captain position so that Charlie doesn't feel overwhelmed with all this, since this is his first time. So we will have a try out before the next rehearsal and then officially start practice."

"That's it for today everyone. You will get the email for the next session and anyone who wants to try out can just write down your names on the board over there. Thankyou for coming"

Looking out to everyone slowly getting out of their seats and exiting the auditorium, I had a good feeling.

This was my last year here and I want it to be a memorable one. We have not won the title in a decade so if I lead my team to victory, it will definitely go down in history here.

I couldn't wait to get started.

Meghan's POV

"This is it! You gotta give your name for the second vice captain position. You're one of the strongest vocalists here, u can knock it out of the park and you and Charlie are gonna be stuck together for the rest of the year, till the closing championship finals!",Emmy said frantically excited as everyone was packing up to go.

"Um, no I'm gonna pass. I'm not into much of this 'competition' thing. Yes I will mayb compete in the junior leagues just for the sake of our school, but I do solo Emmy, u know that. And I know I said I'd try harder to get him back, but not like this. I'm not gonna put my name in just to spent more time with Charlie, I'm not that desperate",I said.

"I'm not saying you are,but think about it. There are three sets of competitions. The first one here on our campus,the second one at New York University and the finals at Berklee College. If you get in as more than just a competitor and especially as a coach, you guys will be together not just for the competition but also in ALL the rehearsals, the preps,at the away competitions and I hear these things have alottt of 'late night rehearsals' ",she says smirking.

I give her a dark less than amused look,but say nothing.

"Well ok I was just suggesting because I know your brooding inside that Charlie has no time to hang out with you anymore. Also he and Selena are gonna be having alot more together time because of this, so u might wana think it through again",says Emmy.

As much as I didn't wana admit it, just hearing it and the thought of them at 'late night rehearsals' sent a stab of jealousy through me.

But I didn't show it.

"Well I guess that's that then. Not much I can do. And I already decided, like I said, I'm not doing it. Now can we just drop it! I'm starving. Let's go have a burger or something",I said.

By then we are almost out of the auditorium.

"Oh u know what, I just remembered! I forgot my notebook on my chair,I gta go back and get it. Why don't u go on and il meet u at the cafeteria?", she says.

"Yeah cool",I say shrugging and I walk out.

Emmy's POV

Looking around I'm confident no one's around , so I pick up the black marker and write Meghan Trainor on the whiteboard where the tryout names were written.

I knew she was gonna kill me for this,but as her BFF I couldn't let her walk away from an opportunity like this.
I understood her more than anyone else.

Besides she won't find out till the day of the announcement because the auditorium will only be accessed by seniors before that. So I was safe from harm till then.

She could easily beat the other seven names on the list and she knew it too, but she always needed alittle push every now and then, so that's my job.

Getting her closer to Charlie was only half my motive, I knew she missed him. But I wanted to see her shine on stage as much as the next person cos I knew she had the talent.

She deserved to be in more than just the junior leagues and I knew even if she went she'd only do a half assed job there because she didn't really care for it.

But this way when she takes the audition and kills it(I know she will) cos it would be in front of most of the school, unlike the junior leagues with barely anyone watching.

She'd do her best up there when she knew all eyes were on here. And then,she would be in the championship as a coach/perfomer, the real deal.

It's that sortof exposure and experience that artists like her deserved and that's what our school was for, so personally I don't feel bad at all about what I'd just done.

Looking around once more,I have a satisfied smile on my face as I walk out of the auditorium.

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