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Meghan's POV

"If we have to get up this early everyday, then I'm really having second thoughts about this whole thing",mutters Emmy.

"What are you complaining about, you only have one event,and that's mostly song writing and mostly backup singing. I'm the one whose already out of voice from all the frontrun singing right on day one",I say.

"Who cares,I still have to be here at 5:30 am which is asking alot from me", she says.

We just finished the vocal checks for the first day of prep. Emmy was my backup incase I couldn't perform later on my own for the events, so she had to suck it up and stick with me.

"And why is the captain not here yet? Or is it OK for the leader to be fashionably late?",she scoffs.

She didn't like Selena much, because she viewed all seniors as the stuckup types.

Not that I shared her view, but she was right. It was half an hour past the scheduled time and Selena still wasn't here

Charlie and I were the ones who had started the vocal exercises we'd been given in advance while Courtney just yelled out random instructions not entirely sure of what she was doing either.

Half an hour and already my chords feel tired, managing 25 people individually was pretty hard. This vice captain thing was going easy.

I saw Charlie over by the other side still making a few guys do breathing exercises.

I watched him give instructions animatedly,he was more a morning person than me for sure.

I was pretty sure I looked like a half assed wack who just woke up in baggy black sweats.

He was wearing a sleeveless light blue trunk shirt that showed off his muscular arms and black shorts that showcased equally sexy calves.

I knew I was staring but damn,that boy was fine!

He reached for a bottle of water and started drowning it in and watching his prominent Adam's Apple move up and down when he swallowed was making me feel hot.

I was actually getting turned on watching him drink water! I really needed help.

"Sooo sorry I'm late,I accidentally slept in!", says a panting voice and I turn around distracted from my not soo neat thoughts.

"Uh Selena, finally! Iv been calling you this whole time!",says Courtney.

Selena was wearing a sleeveless black tank,with denim overalls,denim shorts and pump sneakers. She had her hair in a messy ponytail and her face looked flushed from hurrying over.

All in all, she looked really good for someone who 'just wokeup'. I sure as hell didn't look like that when I woke up,I think glumly.

"Well I'm here now,so let's start. Do stretches everybody. "
She rests her leg on a bench and bends over pulling up her already short tank, exposing a toned stomach.

Oh boy, I think miserably.

I sneak a peak over at Charlie and sure enough,him and most of the guys there were staring at her like brain dead zombies. The stab of jealousy was real.

I suddenly felt insecure.

Somehow eventually everyone managed to tear their gazes away and for 10 minutes did whatever they could without pulling a muscle. Exercise was definitely not for majority of us PIFians.

"Ok, so we're gonna begin the physical training with a run since everyone's already done basic vocal warmup.We'll divide into two groups. Courtney can take one group and il take the other. Three laps around campus should do the trick"

Audible groaning from everyone.

"I know, I know. Three is alot, but no one said this was easy. We need to get it pumping."

"Charlie can come with me. And you can go with Courtney...umm?"

" name's Meghan",I mumble.

"Ahh yes Meghan, I forgot"

I see Charlie go over to Selena and say something to her. She throws her head back and laughs and gives him a slight push looking very coy.

He must have said something flirty to her.

I felt my stomach churn.

I see Emmy looking at me with sympathy.

I watch as Selena and Charlie start the run off. Unexpectedly Emmy goes off with them.

I thought she would come with my team but looks like she ditched me too.

"Ready to go?",Courtney asks.

"Yeah sure, whatever",I say pathetically.

And it's only been day one. What's the rest gonna be like!?

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