12 Years Old. Comic Con

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I was ready. I was all dressed up to go see all the Five Nights At Freddys Fans. My mom was so proud of me and my dad... Well. Let's say he did not like the movie at all. He said the animatronics were stupid and what was the point of the movie and that the games were also stupid. But I just ignored the negativity my dad was giving the movie.

Although he did say the only good thing about the movie was me. Which I giggle at every time he says that. My manager was helping me fix my hair. It was a braid to the side. He was a great manager.

His name is Allen. He has blonde short hair and green eyes. Allen is a proud homosexual 23 year old. He has a boyfriend named Kyle and he's so nice! Kyle bought me flowers and also for Allen cause then Allen would have gotten a little attitude with Kyle for not bringing him flowers which is pretty funny. They're such a cute couple.

"Y/N! Let's go you have to get in line behind Byron. It's almost time!"
Allen panicked and dragged me behind Bryon. I looked behind me to see a grinning Allen and Kyle. I smile back at them and the announcer became to call our names. When they had said mine I walked up in the stage and everyone cheered.

Michael POV

My daughter is up stage. She's so beautiful. Doll was holding the video camera smiling. The audience soon began to ask questions to the cast members, such as, "What did you think about the rest of the cast" or "Who was the hardest to work with". Soon later someone had asked a question to Y/N.

"Who helped you to become a young actress."

Y/N looked bright red. But her mouth slowly began to move.

"Well. My mom and dad. They have helped me so much. My mom was encouraging me to make this role. Which helped a lot. And. My dad. Uh. He didn't really like me becoming a actress."

I rolled my eyes playfully as everyone laughs. Y/N laughs as well. Doll looks at me and smiles. I can tell how happy she is to see or daughter up there. I put an arm around her and look back at my daughter. She's looking at us with a smile.

"But either way. He has to be one of the best dads in the world. He understands me a lot and never gives up on me."

Everyone awed. I looked down. My cheeks were getting red. Y/N giggles and looks back at the audience.

"Anymore Questions?"


Soon everything had finished. Allen walks up to me saying that I did a great job. I hug him as Kyle comes over and hugs us as well. My dad and my mom came over. I let go of Allen and Kyle and ran to my parents. I gave them a tight hug. My mom kisses my cheek as my dad kisses my forehead.

"You did great sweetie!" My mother says.

"You did awesome." My dad says.

I grin at them and notice the wonderful parents I have. I'm so grateful to have them. I'm so happy.

Thank you.

I am very sorry for not updating in a huge time. I seemed to have loss some ideas and forgotten of this. But I promise I will be writing more of this later on. Goodbye my lovelies! -Space-Dreams-Love

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