14 Year Old. Little Sister.

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Y/N was happy. The day Michael and Doll told their daughter they were going to adopt another child. It made her happy. She always wanted a little brother or sister. A wide smiled was on her face the whole time she was waiting at her house. Her new friend. Jerry was there.

Jerry was a new robot they added to their family. Originally it was so Jerry can help around home, do chores and stuff like that. But Y/n and Doll treated him as family. Y/n would see him as a brother and Doll as a son. It took a while for Michael to get use to him. Michael had a thing with robots. Ever since his incident happen.

But that's a whole different story. Jerry was sitting next to Y/n while looking at manga. She noticed the limon robot was a big lover of Japanese shows and books. Which are Anime's and Manga's. He especially loved Sailor Moon. Y/n would watch Sailor Moon with him for a while and as well, read Manga's. But this time she wasn't really focused on what manga he was reading. All she was excited for was to see her new baby sister or brother.

A knock on the door was heard. Y/n was about to stand up and run to the door until Jerry held her back.

"I'll get the door." His face expression turned into a smiley one. He slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Y/n tried peaking to see her new sibling. She wasn't able to see who it was. The voice of her dad and mom rang a bell but she didn't hear a baby. Soon Doll appeared but she wasn't holding the baby. A brow rose on Y/n face.

"Where's the baby?" Doll smiled happily and looked over to Michael, who then became visible. He had something in his arms. It had a blanket over it. "What are you holding dad?" Y/n asked. Michael grins. Slowly a little girl with black hair peaked out the blanket. She looked around the age of 4. Y/n frown slowly began to turn into a large grin.

"Y/n meet Faith." The little one called Faith was now standing on the ground. Y/n and Faith eyes were looking at each other. Slowly Y/n took steps towards her. Faith looked up to her.

"Are you my big sister?" Faith asked smiling slightly. The teenager nodded and giggled.

"Yes I am. My name is Y/n."

"My name is Faith." The little girl responded and blushed softly. Y/n couldn't take how cute she was and hugged her. Faith giggles and hugs back. Doll looked at the two of the girl. Tears forming in her eyes. Michael was already crying.

Now he had another little girl to love and care.

(Here is you're guys chapter that I promised you. I will try to update. Thank you all so much for the support. My chapters are pretty short. But I'll try to make them longer if you all want. Please take care and be an awesome star. Love you guys. -Spacey.)

He's Just My Cop Dad. Father! Michael X Daughter! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن