Caleb's POV - I'm only human

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As promised an early update..

This chapter was inspired by Brandy's song 'Human'.  

Caleb's POV

Humans were weak. We were all aware of that piece of knowledge and if it weren't for the fact that we needed to hide our true existence they would have been made aware of that valuable piece of information too.

She wasn't aware though, not of that knowledge and not of our existence. She was living in oblivion. And maybe I even envied her for that. It could have been the reason why I was so drawn to her at the time and why I had a hard time letting her go.

She didn't have to deal with the troubles and dangers of a pack. Her life didn't synchronize with an entire community and she wasn't bound to a territory. She had free reign to go wherever her heart lead her.

And she did exactly just that. She followed her heart. Unfortunately for me, her heart didn't lead her towards me. Instead it lead her the opposite way far away from me.

After that painful experience I made a promise to myself not to let myself fall down that rabbit whole again. Not even for a mate bond.

Still I somehow found myself facing the same downfall that seemed similar to the one two years ago. Only this one was worse because my Wolf was part of this and standing in front of me on this instead of beside me, making it so damn hard to just walk away like I promised myself I would.

My Wolf was trying to convince me that 'our mate' wasn't like the human that broke my heart two years ago. But he was wrong. They were the same. They were both humans. Weak, pathetic humans..

With one hand slipped into the front pocket of my cargo shorts I walked through town like a man on a mission. I had to stop by the house after my run this morning to change into a clean shirt and slip on some sneakers before I drove myself into town. I even fixed my usually messy brown hair, which was something I only put extra time into when I had girls to entertain.

With all the humans around I couldn't just walk into town barefoot in dirt covered clothes. According to Aiden that did not fit the definition of 'blending in'.

Another reason to add to the list of why I disliked humans with a passion..

I stopped short at my destination and didn't waste time before entering the boutique. A bell ringed above my head, signaling my arrival. Usually it meant to signal the arrival of a customer, but I wasn't here to shop.

A couple of female humans followed me with their curious eyes, but I ignored them as I headed for my goal. In search of the owner I scanned the area. All I had to do is follow my senses to find her. As usual, she rocked the biker chick look with this time leather pants and a ripped shirt, making her stand out between the girly items in her store.

Not wanting to waste any more time I stepped behind her. "She needs to go," I said in a controlled tone. I had this. If my so called mate stopped working at Grace's boutique I wouldn't have to deal with her presence in town.

I found out she worked here the second Jordan told me Grace hired a human girl in her store. It wasn't hard to fit the pieces together since we an eye on everyone, including humans, who came to live near the territory.

Grace shot two girls apologetic glances as she held up a finger, "Excuse me," she said politely with a fake smile plastered on her face. Grace's fake smiles were still hard for me to get used to. She turned to face me as that fake smile transformed into a scowl, grabbed me roughly by the arm and dragged me to the back of the store.

All the while I heard the girls speak in hushed voices. "That was rude," one of them told the other.

"Who cares?! Have you seen how hot he is? His biceps are almost ripping though that shirt! Someone that good looking can intrude my shopping day any time."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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