5.- Cutting loose

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Brooke’s POV

Aiden was so confusing, it was driving me insane.

One minute he wanted to help me get back home, and the next he wanted me to act like a good, little mate. The problem was that he didn’t seem to understand that I couldn’t go back to my old pack.

For an Alpha he was pretty dense sometimes.

Maybe he would have understood better if he knew about Michael, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. I was trying to move forward and come to terms with his death. Talking about it was only going to put me back where I started. The talking may have worked for others to move on, but it didn’t for me. This was my way of dealing with his death. Until I was ready to talk about it, I kept it bottled up.

Last night, after our little argument, Aiden didn’t come back. It was eight in the morning and there was still no sign of him. A part of me was worried that something might have happened to him, but then I reminded myself that he was an Alpha. If something had happened to him I would have already heard about it. Besides he was more than capable of taking care of himself so he didn’t need me to worry about him.

As I poured some coffee in a mug I heard my phone go off. I fished the phone out of my front pocket and saw my sister’s name flashing on the screen. My lips stretched into a wide smile as I answered her call and pressed the phone against my air.

“Elaine,” I almost squealed.

“Hi, big sis!” Elaine answered with just as much excitement.

“It’s so good to hear your voice, sweetie. How are you?” I leaned against the countertop and anxiously waited for her to answer.

“I’m alright. How about you? Is everything okay? Are they treating you right? Is he nice to you?”

“Woah, hold up. One question at a time, Elly,” I chuckled.

I heard her sigh. “How are you? That’s the most important question.”

“I’m fine. You can stop worrying now.” I thought about my words. Was I fine? No. But I was close to being fine. I was.. adjusting.

“It’s not something I can switch off, Brooke. Since you’ve been shipped off to Dark Hellish Raven all I can do is keep worrying,” Elaine said, her voice breaking. If it wasn’t for how broken she sounded I would have laughed at her nick name for Dark Raven pack.

“Sweetheart, you really don’t have to worry about me. I’m doing great here. I’m getting to know everyone and they’re all nice to me. I like it here. Just.. try not to worry okay?” I tried to reassure her.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the conversation before I heard her voice again. “You like it there?”

A smile found its way on my lips. She was starting to believe I was okay, which meant less worrying for her. “Yes, I really like it here.”

“I think dad really misses you,” Elaine said softly.

I didn’t believe one word of that. It had been a little over a week since I first left my pack. That wasn’t long enough for my father to realize his mistake and openly admit that he missed me. I knew him too well. Instead of telling her that, I only said, “I’ll bet.”

My eyes landed on the huge clock hanging on the kitchen wall. “Aren’t you supposed to be heading to school by now?” I asked changing the subject.

Elaine chuckled dryly. “Well, yeah, but I’m kind of having this rebellious phase. A little payback for sending you away.”

“Elaine,” I groaned. At that moment Aiden came strolling in with the same clothes he wore yesterday and damp hair. From the looks of it, he had probably spend the night at Will’s or John’s.

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