chapter 4

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" when are we going to get to your mansion " i ask , im so tired of walking , we have been walking for about 30 minuets now and my feet are killing me . " soon child have some patience " 
i crossed my arms and sighed  " fine ..." i had scratches on my arms from branches and im pretty sure that some leafs have gotten stuck in my hair , just as i was about to ask if we could take a short break out of nowhere he spoke to me and said "whats your name ? , i dont think i asked you " i looked at my shoes in confusion wondering if i told him my name or not . " im y/n "  i said while looking up to see what was ahead of me . " y/n ..thats a nice name , i have forgotten what my birth name was but everyone calls me slenderman " i looked around the woods trying to see if i could find the mansion however it was still out of sight until slenderman and i took one step forward and we were in a big empty field " what do you think of your new home " ? i looked at him confused " its only an empty field " he looked around confused as if he was expecting me to see something , he then put a tentacle over my mouth and held my arm tightly , he then  took another tentacle and cut a circle with a x through it , it was deep and i could feel it throbbing in pain , but in about 2 minuets it stopped and he let me go . " what the fuck was that for " i screamed at him i didnt care if he got mad at me or not but you do not just randomly go up to someone and fucking cut them !  " look " i looked down at my wrist and it wasn't bleeding , it wasn't burning , it was scarred .. " how did it heal that fast "  
" ha , that is a secret " he laughed a bit  " now come on lets go inside i want to introduce you to everyone " he then walked into the feild but wait it wasn't a feild anymore there before me was a a big grey mansion with a black rooftop , slenderman held the door open for me and i walked in still in awe . inside there was a entry room and a lobby syled area  to the right there was a glass door that lead to a pool to the left, beside it was a gym and if you went down a hall there was a martial arts area , the on the left side of the entry room there was another glass door leading to a kitchen and dining area and in front of up there was a staircase . "toby come down here and give y/n a tour of the mansion i need to do work in my office !!" relizeing that toby is probably going to take his time i sat on the sofa and looked at the fish swimming in the fish tank , this all seemed like a dream .. i heard footsteps comeing from the staircase so i stood up and as i thought a teenage boy about my age came down , he had light brown hair and he had yellow goggles on . " ready for your tour 

i nodded and the tour began 

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