chapter 14

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" alice " i spam message her about 20 times 
" omg what do you want "
" hellpppppppp" 

" with "?

" feelings " i type then flop my face into a pillow and wait for the buzz . 

" ooooooooo explain "

" i wanna scream and i have a dumb smile and i feel overjoyed and my heart is beating out of my chest and just urgh what is thissss"

" oh god" 

i shut off my phone and flopped on my bed and just waited for alice . 
she stormed into my room and squealed . i covered my ears with a pillow . 

" yes" ? 

" y/n !! i think you may actually like him ! " she squealed again . 

" i dont know "
she sits . 

"what do you mean "

" i haven't been in love with anyone before " 
" omg really "???????!!!!!!! she dramatically puts her shoulders on the knees and her fists on her chin . 
" yeah i dont really know what love is to be honest "

" love is weird " sais alice laying on my floor . "love is terrifying " she looks at the ceiling . 
" alice have you ever been in love "
"yes a long time ago .. i was in love with the mad hatter "
" the mad hatter "? 

" hes not really a creepy pasta .. he has fan fictions and things like that but hes mostly just an insane person " she looked sad when she said the last part .

" what happened " ?

( im making my own background  for alice )

" he had depression after his fathers hatting business went bankrupt .. the hats they made had mercury and the mad hatter wore hats all the time his brain absorbed it ..when we first met he was so happy and hyper he made me feel like a child again his varieties of tea were soothing and i loved to see him happy ... but time went on he got cold .... he no longer liked his tea or many of the things he used to .... he was different , he spoke different  , and sometimes it was like he was hallucinating .. not only that but he would be so happy and then he would be so mad .. he got so paranoid to lose me that he kept me locked up , he drugged me with  his tea , and acted like it was all fine . the teas were hallucinogens and they effected me severely when i was taking them i was in my own little world . he would always tell me everything he hated about me when he was mad and when he was happy everything he loved . being through this for about a years time i got affected , my hatred grew inside me but never for him , for everyone who let this happen to me , for everyone who never tried to help, i am mad however arent we all? . eventually the mad hatter was caught when a visitor went over and was sent to an asylum , and i was set free and winded up here "

" goodness alice " 

she turned her head to me . " find you a boy who will not treat you like the mad hatter did to me ok"

" i promise you i wont " 

" plus if toby does anything to hurt you i will hurt him more then anyone has ever done before , after all he is only capable of feeling pain inside the mansion , everyone is . but outside some people dont , i dont understand why but slendy did this thing so it was fair for all " 

" really ?"

" yeah" 
" anyways think hard on if you love him " 
i chuckle " already am " 
" oh and y/n "
" yes "?

" please watch out for clockwork , im not sure if her and toby are done or whatever but when she gets back from her mission and finds out about you ...she may not be nice and chances are ally would pick her side right away  . "
"whos clockwork and whos ally ?"

alice walked out before she could answer me . 

i ran to slendermans office as soon as i couldn't find alice but toby wasn't there.
" fuck "
i ran to jeffs room and just kept knocking .

" what the fuck do you wa- oh heyyy y/n " he says .
 " i cant find toby and i need to know something " 
" come right in " he sais opening the door with a smirk .

as soon as he shuts the door i just say it " whos clockwork , and whos ally "
"ahhhh i see "  he sais sitting down on his bed acting like a smart ass . 

" sit " he sais and i listen . 
" clockwork also known as nat used to date toby , infact she is still insanely in love with him , she would do anything for him , apparently rumor has it that they got into a fight before she left for a mission and broke up i dont know for sure , as for ally she is slendermans daughter kind of , he is the one who pretty much turned her into a creepypasta she is with nat on the mission " 
" what if they didnt break up " i say anxiety giving me a harsh feeling 
" then you can always come see me " he sais putting a hand on my back . 
" thanks for telling me this im going to go " 
i walk downstairs hoping to watch tv to get my mind off of things but instead on my way down i run into toby . 
" jesus christ i was looking for you for hours where were you " 
" i left slendermans office and took the long way to your room but when i got there you werent there so i went looking for you , whats going on " ?

" tell me about clockwork "

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