Malfoy the romantic?

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Wednesday one of my favourite days not only cause I have runes but also cause I tutor Neville god I miss him and Harry whom I'm going with to Hogsmede  as well as Ron Neville and Ginny I think Luna is tagging along too I love being in Slytherin but I do mis Gryffindor yes they are a pain in my ass but I miss the Friday game nights and Fred and Georges prank day were all Gryffindors would play pranks on a house every month different houses each month or even teachers and yes I would take part I was the brain in every operation I might start it for Slytherin or ask Harry if I can join in with Gryffindors one this month.

I've only been awake 10 minutes and I've thought of this much already, I step into the shower and wash my hair it's down to my bum and now has gotten slightly darker I finish up and look for my robes I'm sure I put my robes in my trunk

"Hey pans"

"Yh" she's just got up and she looks half dead but she's still pretty

"We're the same size right?"


"Can I borrow a robe mine have gone missing"

"Yeah here you can buy some new ones this weekend just keep cleaning these"

"Sure I wonder where they are"

"Can we walk down to breakfast then runes together I feel like we never spend time with eachother"

"Of course how about a girly night tonight"

"You don't have to ask me twice"

She walks into the bathroom while I get ready do my make up and wait for pansy, we walk into the great hall and sit down next to Astoria, Daphne and Theo Blaise and Draco were apparently getting ready but they always take forever so we dig into pancakes and talk about how greasy snapes hair is.

"You reckon you could cook a egg on it"

"On what Theo?"

"Snape's hair dare me to to go ask if I can borrow his shampoo"

"Theo no don't" with that Theo gets up and walks to the teachers table

"Hey Blaise Theo is saying he could live if he asked to borrow Snape's shampoo" it's Draco finally he took his time

"Really Draco well I'd like to put 10 galleons that he does and gets a detention"

"Fine Blaise I bet 5 gallons that snape does give it him"

"Okay I wanna join I bet snape tells him what it is and also gives him tips as well as Mcgongall asking if he wants tips on how to make his hair still without potion for 30 galleons"

"Okay Hermione deal" we all shake hands and watch Theo walk towards us

"Hey guys did you know you can get this thing called hairspray and it's makes your hair still"

"That's 30 galleons please" I smile while outstretching my hand, I put the money in my pocket

"You read there mind didn't you?"

"So what"


"You didn't say I couldn't"

"No wonder your a Slytherin"

I smirk, and get up as well as pansy and Blaise we walk to runes.

"Blaise you haven't stole my robes have you"

"No I'm not that creepy"

"All of my robes have gone missing"

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