Chap #3 : Sweeter than the dessert

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Ian held the door open for me like a gentleman .

It was a rooftop restaurant and Our table was situated in the farthest right corner.
The view was perfect and we had a small bubble of privacy too.

We sat down opposite to each other and I had an opportunity to check him out.

Ian looked extremely handsome in his tuxedo .
His jet black hair was perfectly gelled and His aqua blue eyes were sparkling in the candle light. The mild shadow of his beard made him more sexy.

God, I should really stop staring at him now. But how can he be so perfect ?

You know, it is a sin to be this flawless.
The skin, the hair, the eyebrows, his muscles, God his muscles ! 

Everything,  Every. Single. Thing
was perfect with Ian.

Okay now he is staring at me.

Come on Linda, Stop checking him out !

I lowered my gaze down to the fancy plate.

“Save some space. We still have dinner to eat” he winked , making me turn three shades of red. 

He ordered salmon for me and something long for him . I didn't pay much attention. I was focusing on the way his neck muscles moved when he spoke. That Adam's apple is sure an eye catcher.

As we were having our dinner, he kept the conversation mild and easy.
We talked about school,  his guitar class and his cousin who was kicked out of the medical school.
We were waiting for the dessert and a waitress arrived with a Cake and a big bouquet of Red roses . She was trying to put it on our table.

I turned to Ian and he looked as confused as me.

“Uhmm…Excuse me. But I think there is some misunderstanding here. We ordered for a Cheesecake and a red velvet. This is not for us” I tried to explain her. But she insisted it was for table seventeen.

I began to explain that we did not order any of this.

Meanwhile Ian didn't say anything. He was Smiling without uttering a single word and slowly He took out a velvet ring box from his suit.

Oh Shit ! This is for me !
Oh my God !

“Oh dear” I covered my mouth.
I couldn't feel my hands.

He knelt down with the roses and  soft music started to play from God knows where.

“Just so you know, I am not going to ask you to marry me !” He smirked and I broke into a laugh. 

He sure knows how to break the ice.

"This is for the one girl, who was born this day, to be mine !
Happy Birthday Linny”  He said in a soft husky voice .

Linny ! My heart melted at that word.

It was that one special nickname he promised only to call during special moments.

Like “Exclusive” moments.

"Thank….Oh dear god ! Thank you Ian ! I don't know what to say. I'm very... overwhelmed now..I love you Ian . I really do"

I managed to tell that before his lips crashed on mine ....

Though he was all Mr. Smiling face today, I could feel the sincerity in his kiss.
I know he means every word he says to me. And I know that we have what it takes to be in an long term relationship.

And about the kiss, can we just say it was much sweeter than the dessert !

A/N : Take a second to vote on every chapter,  before you move on to the next one !
It would mean the world to me 🙆😍

Love , Sheirly Manu ☺

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